Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 525

background image


Unicode in Flash Player 281

URL, linking to 271

widening text block 267

text blocks

appearance 265

resizing 267

selecting 198, 267

widening 267

text fields

displaying properties for

debugging 409

naming for accessibility 359

text fonts

choosing 272

device 262

embedded 262

outlines 262

properties 272, 273

selecting 272

selecting device 275

substituting missing 264

symbols, creating 269

text report, in HTML file 439

text variables, using in multilanguage

text 290

TGA files, importing 135

TIFF files, importing 135

Time In control, for sounds 295

Time Out control, for sounds 295


absolute target path 72

alias, parent 73

animation frames in 230

appearance of, changing 34

best practices 465

converting keyframes into

frames 71

copying and pasting frames 71, 232

deleting frames or keyframes 71

docking to the application

window 35

dragging 35, 231

editing 231, 232

frame display, changing 36

frames, deleting 231

frames, inserting 70

frames, onion skinning 232

frames, using 69

hiding layers in 37

keyframes 69

keyframes, converting into

frames 232

keyframes, creating in 229

keyframes, deleting 231

layer folder order, changing 40

layer height, changing 38

layer name fields in 35

locking layer folders in 39

locking layers in 39

in movie clips 72

multiple timelines 71

number of layers displayed,

changing 38

organizing 465

parent alias 73

playhead 35

Preview option 36

relative target path 72

resizing 35

showing frame thumbnails in 36

target paths 73

using 33, 69

viewing layers as outlines 37

working with frames 33, 69

Timeline effects

adding 237

deleting 240

description and settings 238

editing 240

types of objects 237

Timeline frames, about 231, 232

Tint effect 214

Tint instance property 214

tolerance, for snapping to objects 165

tool tips. See code hints

toolbar, customizing 27


Brush 169

customizing the toolbar 27

Eraser 180

Eyedropper 194

Free Transform 204

Hand 24

Ink Bottle 190

keyboard shortcuts for 131

Lasso 198

Line 166

Oval 166

Paint Bucket 191

Pen 173

Pencil 166

Pointer 164, 165

PolyStar 169

Rectangle 166

selecting 26

Selection 198

Subselection 177

viewing 26

Zoom 24

Tools panel, configuring 18

Tools panel, using 26

Trace Bitmap command 159

tracking quiz results 345

tracks, QuickTime 431

Transform panel

copying objects with 200

skewing objects with 207

undoing transformations with 207

transformation point 203


combining 204

pointers 205


objects 200

text 271


motion tweening 242

for screens 378


adjusting separate color values 214

alpha 214

exporting 429

partial 427

preserving in imported bitmap

images 133

tweening 214

transparent windowless mode, and

accessibility 354

tree controls, keyboard shortcuts

for 47


Adobe Version Cue 129

troubleshooting. See debugging

True or False interaction

asset names 338

configuring in the Component

inspector 344

tryouts 11