Create and manage users – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual
Page 122

User Guide
Choose Connect To Server from the Tools menu or Connect To from the Project Tools menu (Acrobat), type the
IP or DNS address and port of the Version Cue Server you want to administer, and click OK. The default port
number is 3703 (50900 if you’re connecting to a Version Cue CS3 server that’s installed on the same system as a
Version Cue CS2 workspace).
Choose Edit Properties from the Tools or Project Tools (Acrobat) menu
Click Server Administration in the Edit Properties dialog box.
Type your Version Cue login name and password in the boxes, and click Log In.
Log in from a web browser
In a web browser, type the IP or DNS address of the computer on which the Version Cue Server is installed.
Precede the address with http:// and follow it with a colon and the default port number, for example, (IP) or (DNS). The default port number is 3703
(50900 if you’re connecting to a Version Cue CS3 server that’s installed on the same system as a Version Cue CS2
Note: If the server is installed locally, type http://localhost:3703.
A browser window displays the Adobe Version Cue Server Administration login page. Type your Version Cue
login name and password in the boxes, and click Log In.
Create and manage users
Note: You can perform this task only if you have access to the full Version Cue feature set. See “Accessing Version Cue
features” on page 86.
Only users who have been granted System Administrator access privileges can create, import, export, and edit
Version Cue users.
If you didn’t enable automatic user account creation when you turned on the Version Cue Server, you need to create
Version Cue user names to let other users access projects on the Version Cue Server. To restrict the Version Cue
projects that a user can access, you can require login for the project and assign user names and permissions to that
Adobe Flash Player 9 is required to create and manage users in Version Cue Server Administration. When you first
create users, Version Cue will prompt you to install Adobe Flash Player 9.
See also
“Create and manage projects in Version Cue Server Administration” on page 119
Create, edit, or delete users
Create users to let them access projects on the Version Cue Server.
Click the Users/Groups tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click New in the Users area.
In the New User dialog box, enter a user name, login, password, and choose the level of access to give the user
from the Admin Access Level menu:
None denies the user access to Version Cue Server Administration.
User grants standard access to Version Cue Server Administration. Users with standard access can create new
projects (if also granted project creation permissions) and modify projects they have created.
System Administrator grants full access to all tasks in Version Cue Server Administration.