form application in 367
visible parameter 376
formatting code 393, 394
Frame by Frame graph, in Bandwidth
Profiler 494
Frame command 70, 231
frame rate
in animation 230
setting 54
Frame Rate option 54
Frame View menu 36
frame-by-frame animation 231
animation, editing in 231
animation, in Timeline 230
changing the view 36
converting keyframes into 71, 232
copying 71, 232
displayed in Timeline 33, 69
displaying as onion skin
outlines 232
displaying contents 24
dragging in Timeline 231
editing in an animation 231
editing multiple 232
exporting as static images 448
images, registering in 232
in mobile devices 497
inserting 70, 231
keyframes, converting into 232
onion skinning 232
pasting 232
printing 464
registering images in 232
removing 71, 231
showing thumbnails 36
static images, exporting as 448
testing performance with
Bandwidth Profiler 494
Frames button, in Edit Envelope 295
Free Transform tool 204
FreeHand. See Adobe FreeHand
FTP Proxy server, specifying in
Version Cue 124
Full command 486
Full Screen command 420
FutureSplash Player files,
importing 135
Gap Size modifier, Paint Bucket
tool 191
General preferences, Disable Auto or
Add Delete 176
Generate Size Report option 494
Get More Commands option 51
GIF files
exporting 451
GIF89a file format 427
importing 135
publishing 427
glow filter, applying 254
Goto command 76
GotoAndPlay at frame or label
behavior 226
GotoAndStop at frame or label
behavior 226
gradient bevel filter, applying 256
gradient colors 190
gradient fills
applying 191
creating or editing 190
in imported FreeHand files 139
importing and exporting 187
working with solid colors and 189
gradient glow filter, applying 255
gradient pointers 190
Gradients on clipboard preference 30
graphic distractors, registering in a
learning interaction 336
graphic object, converting to a
symbol 67
graphic symbols
about 209
controlling with behaviors 225
creating symbol instances 213
load behavior 226
setting animation options 215
grayscale images
in imported FreeHand files 139
grids 26
grids, about 25
Group command 202
breaking apart 203
creating 202
editing 202
locking 198
selecting 198
guide layers 40
Guided option 246
using 25
Hand tool 24
height attribute 424, 443
about 2
choosing Help books 4
context sensitive 4
Help panel, searching 3
Hide Edges command 199
Hide Screen option for child
screens 371
hiding and showing
objects from screen readers 361
hierarchy, parent-child movie
clips 72
Highlight Color preference 30
History panel
overview 48
Replay button 49
Save As Command option 50
saving commands from 50
screens with 373
steps, copying and pasting 50
steps, repeating 49
Hit state for buttons 221
horizontal text flow 267
Hot Object interaction
adding and removing distractors
in 341
asset names 337
configuring in the Component
inspector 341
hot spot distractors, adding and
removing 342
Hot Spot interaction
asset names 337
configuring in the Component
inspector 342
option, for dynamic text fields 268
publish settings 423
publishing templates 436