dragging a library item onto a
keyframe 232
editing frames in the Timeline 231
editing multiple frames 232
extending background images in
several frames 235
frame rates 230
frame-by-frame 231
frames in Timeline 230
graphics compared to movie
clips 215
inserting frames 231
linking layers to a motion path 246
modifying or deleting frames in the
Timeline 231
motion paths for 245
moving an entire 233
onion skinning 232
Play Once option 216
reversing the sequence of 232
Single Frame option 216
still images 235
tweened 240
unlinking layers from a motion
path 246
animation, tweening
groups 242
instances 242
type 242
in mobile devices 495
Antialias command 486
Anti-Alias For Animation option 261
Anti-Alias For Readability
option 261
bitmaps 486
custom 261
device fonts 261
exported GIF 427
exported PNG 430
objects on clipboard 200
shapes 486
text 486
area fill 191
array access operators, checking for
matching pairs 398
arrow keys, moving objects with 199
Arrow tool. See Selection tool
Asian character entry on Western
keyboard 280
asset names 337
Authorware. See Adobe Authorware
AutoCAD DXF files, importing 140
AutoCAD DXF Image 451
autoKeyNav parameter for slide
screen 376
automatic labeling 360
accessibility, about 358
turning off 361
automatic user account creation,
enabling in Version Cue 125
automating tasks 50
AVI files, exporting 455
background color 54
backing up Adobe Version Cue
projects 121
Bandwidth Profiler
about 493
settings 494
Timeline graph 494
base attribute 446
about 389
Bring Forward 226
Bring To Front 226
controlling instances with 225
Duplicate Movieclip 226
GotoAndPlay at frame or label 226
GotoAndStop at frame or label 226
Load External Movie Clip 226
Load Graphic 226
screen navigation and control 377
screen transitions 378
Send Backward 226
Send To Back 226
Start Dragging Movieclip 226
Stop Dragging Movieclip 226
video, adding and configuring 323
video, controlling video
playback 322
best practices
organizing Timeline 465
using scenes 75, 466
bevel filter, applying 255
bgcolor attribute or parameter 445
Bit Rate option, for mp3 sound
compression 298
bitmap fills
applying 191
transforming 191
bitmap images
anti-aliasing 30, 156, 486
breaking apart 158
compared to vector graphics 160
compressing as JPEG or PNG
files 157
compressing for mobile
devices 497
converting to vector graphics 159
editing 158
finding and replacing 80
importing 156, 200
in mobile devices 496
modifying filled areas 159
preserving transparency when
importing 133
setting compression options
for 157
setting properties for 156
Bitmap Properties dialog box 156
Bitmaps on clipboard preference 30
Blank Keyframe command 70, 231
blending mode settings 257
blending modes
about 257
applying 258
examples 258
blends, in imported FreeHand
files 139
Blur filter 254
BMP files
exporting 451
importing 135
Break Apart command
bitmaps and 158
groups and 203
instances and 203
symbol instances and 216
text and 203, 271
about 405
setting and removing 405, 411
setting and removing, in Actions
panel 405
XML file 406
Bridge Home 9