Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual
Page 35
User Guide
Set text preferences
For Font Mapping Default, select a font to use when substituting missing fonts in documents you open in Flash.
For Vertical Text options, select Default Text Orientation (deselected by default).
To reverse the default text display direction, select Right To Left Text Flow (deselected by default).
To turn off kerning for vertical text, select No Kerning (deselected by default). Turning off kerning is useful to
improve spacing for some fonts that use kerning tables.
For Input Method, select the appropriate language.
Set warning preferences
To receive a warning when you try to save documents with content that is specific to the Adobe® Flash® CS3 Profes-
sional authoring tool as a Flash 8 file, select Warn On Save For Adobe Flash 8 Compatibility (default).
To receive a warning when you open a Flash document that uses fonts that are not installed on your computer,
select Warn On Missing Fonts (default).
To receive a warning if the URL for a document changed since the last time you opened and edited it, select Warn
On URL Changes In Launch And Edit.
To place a red X over any Generator objects as a reminder that Generator objects are not supported in Flash 8,
select Warn On Reading Generator Content.
To receive an alert when Flash inserts frames in your document to accommodate audio or video files that you
import, select Warn On Inserting Frames When Importing Content.
To receive an alert when selecting Default Encoding could potentially lead to data loss or character corruption,
select Warn On Encoding Conflicts When Exporting .as Files. (For example, if you create a file with English,
Japanese, and Korean characters and select Default Encoding on an English system, the Japanese and Korean
characters are corrupted.)
To receive a warning when you attempt to edit a symbol with timeline effects applied to it, select Warn On
Conversion Of Effect Graphic Objects.
To receive a warning when you export a document to this earlier version of Flash Player, select Warn On Exporting
To Flash Player 6 r65.
To receive a warning when you create a site in which the local root folder overlaps with another site, select Warn
On Sites With Overlapped Root Folder.
To receive a warning when you convert a symbol with a behavior attached to a symbol of a different type—for
example, when you convert a movie clip to a button—select Warn On Behavior Symbol Conversion.
To receive a warning when you convert a symbol to a symbol of a different type, select Warn On Symbol
To receive a warning when Flash converts a graphic object drawn in Object Drawing mode to a group, select Warn
On Automatically Converting From Drawing Object To Group.
To display warnings on controls for features not supported by the Flash Player version that the current FLA file is
targeting in its Publish settings, select Show Incompatibility Warnings On Feature Controls.
Set General preferences
On Launch
Specify which document opens when you start the application.
To set the number of undo or redo levels, enter a value from 2 to 300. Undo levels require memory; the more
undo levels you use, the more system memory is consumed. The default is 100.