Start a version cue pdf review, Manage pdf reviews – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


As the review progresses, reviewers upload their comments to the Version Cue Server. When a review is complete,
you can view all comments either in the context of the original document or as a list in Version Cue Server Admin-

To use Version Cue PDF review, reviewers need a Version Cue login name and privileges that allow them to log in
to the Version Cue Server hosting the review.

To view the PDF and add comments, users need Acrobat 7.0 Professional or later. For more information about
commenting in Acrobat, see Acrobat Help.

Start a Version Cue PDF review

You can start a Version Cue PDF review for any version of any PDF document that is on a Version Cue Server,
provided that you have appropriate privileges to access Version Cue Server Administration. Only one version of a
PDF document may be in review at any point in time.


Log in to Version Cue Server Administration. (For instructions, see “Log in to Version Cue Server Adminis-

tration” on page 115.)


Click the Version Cue CS3 PDF Review link at the top of the page.

In the main Version Cue CS3 PDF review page, click Start A Review.

Click the Documents tab, and choose Not Started from the Review Status menu.


In the Document List, click the name of the PDF document you want to review.


Choose the version you want to review, and then click Start Review.


In the Start Review page, enter review information:

To set an end date for the review, select Deadline, and then choose the end date from the Year, Month, and Day

To let reviewers see each other’s comments, select Open under Review Mode. Select Private if you want reviewers
to see only their own comments.

Type a description of the review in the Description box.

To add reviewers, select the reviewers’ names in the Reviewers section. (Click the check box next to the Reviewers
column label to select or deselect all reviewers.)

Note: If a reviewer is outside your workgroup and doesn’t have a Version Cue login, you need to set one up in advance.
You must also provide network access—typically through a firewall—for outside reviewers.


Click Next.


To send an e-mail invitation to reviewers, select Send E-Mail Invitation, and then modify the Mail Subject and

Mail Message as desired. In the E-Mail Recipients section, choose reviewers that you wish to invite by e-mail.


Click Start Review.


If you chose to invite reviewers by e-mail, Version Cue starts your e-mail program and displays an e-mail message

addressed to the reviewers. The e-mail includes a direct link to the document being reviewed. Confirm the contents
of the review e-mail, and send it.

Manage PDF reviews

After you locate a PDF review, you can open it, view or delete review comments, edit review settings, stop or restart
a review, or delete the review from the Version Cue Server.