Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 523

background image


Silicon Graphics files, importing 135

Simulate Download command 494

Single Frame option 216

Single Line option, for dynamic

text 268

size report 494


objects 207

with Transform panel 207

slide presentations 367, 368

slide screens

about 368

ActionScript class for 375

default behavior when hidden 376

default navigation 376

document structure and 368

parameters 376

Smooth Curves preference 165

Smooth modifier, for Selection

tool 180

smoothing curves and lines 179

Snap option, for motion

tweening 244


to objects and pixels 181

to pixels 182

to grid 26

tolerance, setting for objects 165

Soften Fill Edges command 181


activation 1

downloads 11

registration 1

Sound Designer II files,

importing 292

Sound object, using a sound with 157

Sound Properties dialog box 297


in accessible applications 361

ADPCM compression 297

buttons, adding to 295

compressing 296, 297

efficiently using 298

envelope lines 295

envelopes, editing 295

event and stream 292

Event synchronization option 294

file size, tips for reducing 298

finding and replacing 80

importing 292

in library 293

looping 294

looping to reduce file size 298

options menu 293

properties 293

raw compression 297

reusing to reduce file size 298

shared libraries, adding to 157

Sound Properties dialog box 297

start point, setting 295

Start synchronization option 294

stop point, setting 295

Stop synchronization option 294

stream and event 292

stream synchronization 294

synchronizing 294

testing 297

Time In control 295

Time Out control 295

tips for reducing file size 298

versions, creating separate 422

Special instance color property 214

spell checking 268, 269

src attribute 442

SSL, enabling in Version Cue 125

stacking objects 201


displaying entire 24

erasing 180

keyboard shortcuts for selecting 46

size of 54

zooming 24

stand-alone Flash Player 420

Start A Review command, in Version

Cue PDF reviews 126

Start Dragging Movieclip

behavior 226

Start option, for sound 294


reordering 388

trace 410

static images, exporting frames as 448

static text

about 261

changing to dynamic text for

accessibility 361

and screen reader reading

order 365

stepping code 412

stepping through lines of code 406

still images

about 235

exporting 448

Stop Dragging Movieclip

behavior 226

Stop option, for sound 294

Straighten modifier, for Selection

tool 180

straightening curves, lines 179

Stream option, for sound 294


sounds 292

testing performance 494

Streaming Graph, in Bandwidth

Profiler 494

Strings panel

about 282

adding strings 283

automatic language detection 285

changing Stage language 284

default language 285

editing text 284

importing XML file 288

publishing 285

selecting languages 282

translating text 288

XML file format 286


converting to fills 181

copying 194

default color, selecting 187

Ink Bottle tool, modifying with 190

line style, selecting 188

Selection tool, selecting with 198

swapping color with fill color 187

transparent, applying 187

weight, selecting 188

width of 188

Subselection tool

adjusting line segments 178

showing anchor points 178

substitute fonts

deleting 264

specifying 264

turning off alert 265

viewing 264

Sun AU files, importing 292

Swap Symbol dialog box 215