Copy and pasting between illustrator and flash – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 151

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User Guide


Import Paths As

Lets you specify the following path import preferences:

Editable Paths

Creates an editable vector path. Supported blend modes, effects, and object transparency are

preserved, but attributes not supported in Flash are discarded.


Rasterizes the path into a bitmap to preserve the exact appearance of the path in Illustrator. A rasterized

image is no longer editable.

Create Movie Clips

Specifies that path objects be imported inside a movie clip.


Lets you specify the import preference for images:

Flatten Bitmaps To Maintain Appearance

Rasterizes the image into a bitmap to preserve the appearance of

blending modes and effects that are not supported in Flash. A rasterized image is no longer editable.

Create Movie Clips

Specifies that images be imported inside a movie clip.


Lets you specify the import preferences for groups:

Import As Bitmaps

Rasterizes the group into a bitmap to preserve the appearance of the objects as they appeared

in Illustrator. After a group is converted to a bitmap, the objects in it cannot be selected or renamed.

Create Movie Clips

Specifies that all objects in the group be encapsulated into a single movie clip.


Lets you specify the import preferences for layers:

Import As Bitmaps

Rasterizes the layer into a bitmap to preserve the appearance of the objects as they appeared

in Illustrator.

Create Movie Clips

Specifies that the layer is encapsulated into a movie clip.

Movie Clip Registration

Specifies a global registration point for movies that are created. This setting applies to the

registration point for all object types. This option can be changed on an object by object basis in the AI File Importer
dialog box; this is the initial setting for all object types. For more information on movie clip registration, see “Edit
symbols” on page 211.

See also

“Set preferences in Flash” on page 27

Copy and pasting between Illustrator and Flash

If you copy-and-paste (or drag-and-drop) artwork between Illustrator and Flash, the Paste dialog box appears, which
provides import settings for the AI file being copied (or pasted).

Paste As Bitmap

Flattens the file being copied into a single bitmap object.

Paste Using AI File Importer Preferences

Imports the file using the AI file import setting specified in Flash Prefer-

ences (Edit > Preferences).

Apply Recommended Import Settings To Resolve Incompatibilities

Enabled by default when Paste Using AI File

Importer Preferences is selected. Automatically fixes any incompatibilities detected in the AI file.

Maintain Layers

Enabled by default when Paste Using AI File Importer Preferences is selected. Specifies that layers

in the AI file be converted to Flash layers (the same as if you selected Convert To Flash Layers from the AI Import
dialog box). If deselected, all layers are flattened into a single layer.