Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 521

background image



Radial Gradient option 190

Raw compression, for sound 297

reading order

in Accessibility panel 360

in ActionScript 365

default in Flash Player 360

Recognize Lines preference 165

Recognize Shapes preference 165

Rectangle tool

about 166

Round Rectangle modifier 168

Redo command 48

redoing steps with the History

panel 48

registering images from frame to

frame 232

registration of software 1

registration point

changing 212

displaying coordinates 216

relative target path 73

remote debugging 402, 413

Remove Frame command 71, 231

Remove Gradients option 427, 430


screens 373


layers and layer folders 38

projects or project folders 63

reordering actions 388

Repeat command 48


commands 50

steps 48


bitmap, sound, or video files 80

colors 78

fonts 78

text 77

requirements, system 1

reshaping lines and shapes 178

resizing objects 205, 206

Resolve Library Items dialog box 218

restarting Version Cue 95


files, in Version Cue 108

projects, in Version Cue 121

restoring transformed objects 207


previous versions 111

Version Cue files, in Bridge 103

Reverse command, for animation 232

Revert command 55

RGB colors, importing and

exporting 187

rich media templates 81

Right Channel option, for sound 294

Rotate and Skew command 206

Rotate option, for motion

tweening 243, 244


clockwise or counterclockwise 207

by dragging 206

by 90˚ 207

objects 206

Ruler Units menu 54


about 24

running commands with Run

Command 51


salign parameter 446

SALIGN parameter publish

settings 425

Sample Rate

for ADPCM sound

compression 297

for raw sound compression 297

Save A Version command 110

Save and Compact command 48

Save As command 55

Save As Template command 55

Save command 55

Save Current command 22

Save Workspace command 22


documents 55

documents as templates 55

files, in projects 63

removing deleted items and 48

scale attribute or parameter 445

Scale option, for motion

tweening 243

SCALE parameter publish

settings 425


by dragging 206

objects 206

Scene panel 76


best practices 75, 466

changing order of 76

pasting into 200

selecting everything on every layer

of 198

testing download performance 493

viewing 76

working with 75, 76


communication, about 349

preparing compliant learning

interactions for web hosting 350

tracking quiz results 345

tracking to a compliant LMS 348

Screen Outline pane

about 370

expanding and collapsing 370

selecting screens in 371

showing and hiding 370

screen readers

about 353

creating reading and tab order

for 360

default reading and tab order 360

detecting with ActionScript 364

hiding objects from 361

Screenblending mode 257


ActionScript and 379

ActionScript class, changing 375

adding at the same level 369

adding new screens 369

ancestor screen, editing 372

authoring accessibility and 374

authoring environment 367

Auto Snap option, for registration

point grid 376

behaviors for navigation and

control 377

child screens 368, 371, 375

choosing type 369

class name 379

Class Name, in the Property

inspector 376

components and 380

contents, editing 372

context menu 370

copying or cutting 372