Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 526

background image


tweened frames, dragging keyframes

in 232


about 240

along a path 245

motion 240, 242

motion paths for 245

shape 241

symbol colors 242



button, in Transform panel 207

Undo command 48

Undo Levels preference 29

undoing steps

with the History panel 48

and redoing 48

and redoing, with screens 373

undoing transformations 207

Ungroup command 202


about 280

Flash Player support 281

font selection 277

support 398

unpinning scripts in the Actions

panel 400

Up state for buttons 221

Update button, in Sound Properties

dialog box 297

updates 11

updating Flash SWF files for

Dreamweaver 448

updating sounds 297

URLs, listing in HTML file 439

Use Adobe Dialog command 87

user account creation, enabling

automatic in Version Cue 125

user groups, creating in Version Cue

Server Administration 116

users, creating and assigning in

Version Cue 116, 120

UTF-16 BE and UTF-16 LE 281

UTF-8 281

UTF-8 (Unicode) 398


Variable option for dynamic text 268

variables 412

and Debugger Variables tab 403

and Debugger Watch list 404

HTML template 437

modifying in Debugger 404

naming 392

Variables tab, Debugger 403

vector graphics

compared to bitmaps 160

creating from imported bitmap

images 159

importing with clipboard 200

in mobile devices 496

version control

best practices 466

defining site for 64

editing sites 64

opening a file 65

troubleshooting remote folder

setup 65

Version Cue. See Adobe Version Cue


about 109

checking in 110

deleting 112

promoting 112

viewing 110

vertical text

flow 267

preferences 268


behaviors, adding and

controlling 322, 323

components 323

editing video clips 309

exporting QuickTime 320

file formats for import 310

finding and replacing 80

FLV files, importing 302

FLV files, playing external 321

linked QuickTime 308

playback, controlling 302

properties of, changing 305

Sorenson Spark codec 311

tips for creating 311, 318

updating embedded video 308

video editing, in and out points 309

Video Workshop 6

View Esc Shortcut Keys

command 388

View menu, changing document

display with 486

View Options pop-up menu 395


comments, in Version Cue PDF

reviews 128

reports, in Version Cue Server

Administration 123

versions 110

visible parameter, for form

screen 376


Wacom pressure-sensitive tablet 169,


warning preferences 29

warping objects 205

Watch tab, Debugger 404

WAV sounds

exporting 455

importing 292

Web 216 color palette 428

Web hosting, preparing learning

interactions for 349

web servers, configuring for Flash

Player 433

Web Snap Adaptive color palette 428

WebDAV servers

connecting to Version Cue

projects 94

web-safe color palette 186

weight, for lines 188

Welcome screen 23

width attribute 424, 443

window, opening new 53

Windows Metafile files

exporting 455

importing 135

wmode attribute or parameter 447

word wrapping in code, enabling 395

work area

about 16


customizing 22



XML files 286, 288, 289