Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 517

background image


organizing 39

renaming 38


about 36

Add Layer button 37

adding layer folder 37

changing height of 38

changing number displayed 38

changing order of 40

changing outline color 38

copying 39

creating 37

deleting 39

editing 38

guide layers 40

guided 246

hiding and showing 37

locking 39

mask 235

masking additional layers 236

organizing 39

renaming 38

selecting 38, 198

unlinking masked layers 236

viewing 37

LDAP servers

importing Version Cue users

from 118

learning interactions

adding to a document 333

assets in 335

common library assets,

managing 334

components, adding 347

cumulative tracking data in 350

in documents 327

feedback options for 344

Knowledge Track options for 345

LToolboxClass script 352

modifying in a quiz 330

question text, adding 330

registering graphic distractors 336

removing from Timeline 334

system requirements for 326

Left Channel option, for sound 294


absolute path 72

in Flash Player 71

naming in target path 72


assets, resolving conflicts

between 218

common 69

components in 65

creating permanent 69

included in Flash 69

opening from other Flash files 66

resolving conflicts between

assets 218

sounds in 293

using shared 219

library items

keyboard shortcuts for 47

Library panel

about 41

adding an item to a document 67

deleting items in 68

displaying 66

finding unused items in 68

folders, using in 67

graphic object, converting to a

symbol 67

options menu 66

using 65

using an item in another

document 67

using folders in 67

Lighten blending mode 257

line numbers in code 395

line numbers in code, displaying 395

line spacing 273

Line Style dialog box 188

Line tool 166

Linear Gradient option 190


converting to fills 181

drawing, with Pen tool 175

Eraser tool, removing with 180

modifying with the Ink Bottle

tool 190

removing with Eraser tool 180

reshaping 170

selecting connected 198

selecting style and weight 188

straightening 179

Link option, for text 271

Linkage option

for font symbol 270

for sounds 157

linked files

in Version Cue 106

linking text blocks 271

Links palette

replacing placed files with previous

versions 107

using with Version Cue project

files 107

List Objects command 408

List Variables command 409

Live Effects, enabling or

disabling 252

LiveDocs 2

Load Default Colors option 186

Load External Movie Clip

behavior 226

Load Graphic behavior 226

Load Order option 421

loaded documents, controlling 74

loading data in mobile devices 500

loadMovie action and levels 71

local project files, in Version Cue

editing 101, 112

removing 104

Lock command 198

Lock Fill modifier 194

lock protection, in Version Cue

enabling 120

removing 124

locking layers 39

loop attribute or parameter 444

Loop option

about 216

for sound 294

LOOP parameter publish

settings 424


in accessible content 355

of animation sequences 216

lossless compression, for bitmaps 157

LToolboxClass script, reviewing and

editing in a learning
interaction 352


MacPaint files, importing 135

Magic Wand modifier, for Lasso

tool 159

magnification (zooming) 24

main toolbar 26