Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 520

background image


plug-ins 8

in Adobe Store 11

pluginspage attribute 443

PNG files

exporting 453

importing 135, 137

PNG filter options 430

publishing 429

PNG Import Settings dialog box 138

point size, choosing 272

Pointer tool, setting options for 164,


Polygon mode, for Lasso tool 198

PolyStar tool 169


Bitmaps on clipboard 30

clipboard 30

Drawing Settings options 164

editing 31

Font Mapping Default 29

FreeHand Text on clipboard 31

general 29

Gradients on clipboard 30

Highlight Color 30

Named Anchor on Scenes 30

On Launch options 29

Pen tool 174

PICT settings for clipboard 31

Printing Options (Windows

only) 30

PSD files 151

setting 27

Shift Select 30

Show Pen Preview option 174

Show Precise Cursors option 174

Show Solid Points option 174

Show Tooltips 30

Timeline options 30

Undo Levels 29

vertical text 268

warning 29

Preferences command 28

Premiere Pro. See Adobe Premiere


previewing with Publish Preview

command 432

Print Margins command (Macintosh

only) 456


actions 384

from authoring environment 456

FLA files 456

Flash Player context menu 464

Printing Options preference

(Windows only) 30

PrintJob class

addPage method 459

properties 459

send method 461

start method 458

using 457


playing with stand-alone

player 420

stand-alone movie 421


See also Adobe Version Cue


adding a file 62

closing 63

creating 61

creating and deleting folders 62

finding missing files 64

Flash Project panel 61

moving files or folders 62

opening 62

opening files 62

Project pop-up menu 61

publishing 63

renaming 63

saving files in 63

selecting publish profiles for 63

testing 63

version control with 64

promoting a version 107, 112


sound 293

symbol instance 214

Properties tab, Debugger 405

Property inspector

about 40

changing units in 200

font properties 273

instances, for 216

keyboard shortcuts 45

modifying document properties 54

moving objects 200

screens, for 374

sound properties 293

Stroke and Fill Color controls

in 187

tools 165

video, changing properties 305

Protect from Import option 421

PSD files

importing 149

Publish options 155

Publish options, PSD files 155

Publish Preview command 432

publish profiles, for projects 63

publish settings

ActionScript 414

generating HTML 423

modifying 414


about 54

projects 63

punctuation balance, checking

for 398


quality attribute or parameter 444

Quality option, for mp3 sound

compression 298

QUALITY parameter publish

settings 424

question text, adding to a learning

interaction 330


directory path, setting to video 309

files, exporting 453

files, publishing 431

images, importing 135

linked video, importing 308

movie 421

movies, importing sound only 292

video, previewing in Flash 309

QuickTime video

exporting 320

Quit command 56

Quiz component 328


adding a learning interaction to

template 332

navigation options for 345

parameters for 328

preparing for web hosting 349

templates for 327