Configure a drag and drop interaction, Add or remove drag objects and target objects – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual
Page 345

User Guide
Configure a Drag and Drop interaction
As many as eight Drag objects and eight Target objects can be in each Drag and Drop interaction. Each Drag object
can snap to any target named in the Drag and Drop component for evaluation. Drag objects can also share targets;
for example, both Drag 1 and Drag 2 can match Target 8. You can also specify a target without matching a Drag object
to it, which lets you add incorrect target distractors for evaluation.
If you are not using a quiz template, place the learning interaction on the Stage. If you are using a quiz template,
select the frame on the Interactions layer that contains the Drag and Drop interaction (Frame 2, if you did not add
or remove keyframes).
Break the movie clip apart (Modify > Break Apart), display the Component inspector, and type the interaction ID
and the question.
In the Drag Object Name column, list the instance names for the Drag objects on the Stage. Each Drag object must
have a unique name. If you add a new Drag object on the Stage, enter its name here.
In the Matches Target Name column, list the matching target instance name for that Drag object. Each target must
have a unique name. If you add a new target on the Stage, enter its name here. If you enter a Drag instance name in
the Drag Object Name column, enter a corresponding Target instance name in the Matches Target Name column.
You can enter a Target instance name in the Matches Target Name column without a matching Drag instance name,
which adds a target that can be snapped to but is not evaluated as a correct match.
Select Snap to Start to make the Drag objects snap back to their original position if they do not snap to a registered
Select each instance of the Drag object or Target object on the Stage. Use the Property inspector to give each
instance the same instance name that you specified in the Component inspector.
Add or remove Drag objects and Target objects
To change the default number of four objects and four targets, add or delete objects and targets. A Drag and Drop
learning interaction can contain up to eight Drag objects and up to eight Target objects.
See also
“Adding, naming, and registering assets” on page 335
“Name and register graphic distractors” on page 336
Add a Drag object or Target object
Create a movie clip symbol containing the graphics for the object. For example, to add a seventh interaction to an
interaction that has six types of fruit, create a graphic of the seventh fruit and place it in the library.
Select the Drag and Drop learning interaction in the Timeline, and then drag the symbol from the Library panel
to the Stage.
In the Property inspector, name the instance.
Add the instance name to the Component inspector for the Drag and Drop object.
Remove a Drag and Drop object
Select the Drag and Drop instance to remove, and delete it from the Stage.
Select the Drag and Drop component (to the left of the Stage in the quiz template), and display the Component
inspector by opening it from the Property inspector.