adjusting in Illustrator 17
Brightness effect 214
Bring Forward
behavior 226
command 201
Bring To Front
behavior 226
command 201
Brush tool
Lock Fill modifier 194
painting modes 170
painting with 169
setting brush size and shape 170
Wacom pressure-sensitive
tablet 170
button symbols 209
accessible descriptions and labels
for 359
adding sounds to 295
creating 221
disabling and enabling 222
disjoint rollover 222
Down state for 221
editing and testing 222
enabling 222
frame states for 221
Hit state for 221
input text fields, accessible labels
for 358
naming for accessibility 359
Over state for 221
selecting enabled 222
testing 222
turning off accessible labels for 361
Up state for 221
call stack 412
center point 203
character position 273
checking files in and out, in Version
Cue 102, 110, 113
child objects, making accessible 357
child screens
about 368
moving on the Stage 375
viewing 371
class name, for screens 379
excluding from compilation 501
classid attribute 442
classpaths 415
Clear command 201
Clear Keyframe command 71, 232
Clear Local Files command, in
Bridge 104
Click Accuracy preference 165
importing with 200
preferences 30
closing projects 63
displaying line numbers 395
formatting 393, 394
selecting a line 406
stepping through lines 406
word wrapping 395
code hints 390
manually displaying 391
specifying settings for 390
triggering 392, 393
using 390
code stepping 412
codebase attribute 443
collaborating, in Version Cue 96
color palette
saving current as default 186
web-safe 186
color palettes
Adaptive 428
default 186
importing and exporting 187
color picker, opening 187
background 54
changing with the Property
inspector 187
choosing for text 272
copying with the Eyedropper
tool 194
creating and editing solid 189
default palette 186
default stroke and fill color,
selecting 187
deleting 186
document background 54
duplicating 186
editing and creating solid 189
finding and replacing 78
importing and exporting
palettes 187
in Actions toolbox 395
optimizing 486
saving current palette as
default 186
selecting solid 188
selecting with Property
inspector 188
setting maximum 428
sorting in Swatches panel 186
tweening 214
web-safe palette 186
See also individual command
downloading 51
keyboard shortcuts for 131
running 51
Commands menu
creating and managing
commands 50
Edit Command List option 51
Get More Commands option 51
reusing commands 50
Run Command option 51
running commands 51
unrepeatable steps 51
Common Libraries submenu 69
compiled clip, in Library panel 65
compiler warnings 413
Component inspector
Drag and Drop interactions
and 339
feedback options and 344
Fill in the Blank interactions
and 340
Hot Object interactions and 341
Hot Spot interactions and 342
Knowledge Track options and 345
Multiple Choice interactions
and 343
navigation options and 345
quiz parameters and 328
True or False interactions and 344
accessibility and 366
learning interactions and 347
in Library panel 65
MediaController 323