Version cue pdf reviews, About version cue pdf reviews – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



Choose a project from the Project Name menu.


To delete versions, select Delete All Versions Older Than, and then choose a month, day, and year.


To specify the maximum number of versions to remain in the server after you click Delete, select Number Of

Versions To Keep, and then type a number in the box.


Click Delete.

Grant access to the server without an existing user account

If you select this option, Version Cue creates a new user account without a password when a new user accesses the
Version Cue Server.


Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Preferences.


Select Automatic User Creation to enable users to access the server without an existing user account.

Enable SSL

Enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the Version Cue Server enables secure communication between the server
and Bridge or a Version Cue-enabled Creative Suite component. When you enable SSL, the Version Cue Server sends
data over an encrypted connection.

Note: Acrobat 8 and Creative Suite 2 components can’t connect to a Version Cue CS3 Server that uses SSL.


Click the Advanced tab in Version Cue Server Administration, and then click Security Preferences.

To enable SSL, select Use SSL.

To view the existing SSL certificate, click View The Currently Installed SSL Certificate.

To load a custom SSL certificate, click Import A Custom SSL Certificate, select the certificate you want to use, and
click Import.


Click Save.

Restart the Version Cue Server


In the Advanced tab of Version Cue Server Administration, click Restart Server.


Click Restart.

You can also restart the Version Cue Server in Version Cue Preferences.

Version Cue PDF reviews

About Version Cue PDF reviews

Using Version Cue Server Administration, you can set up and conduct web-based reviews of PDF documents that
are on a Version Cue Server.

You can conduct Version Cue PDF reviews for Adobe Illustrator (AI) files that have been saved with the Enable PDF
Compatibility option without first converting them to PDF. The AI files appear with PDF files in the Document List

when you start a Version Cue PDF review.