About autocad dxf files, Working with illustrator ai files, About adobe illustrator ai files – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



For Pages, do one of the following:

To import all pages from the FreeHand document, select All.

To import a page range from the FreeHand document, enter page numbers for From and To.


For Options, select any of the following options:

Include Invisible Layers

Imports all layers (visible and hidden) from the FreeHand document.

Include Background Layer

Imports the background layer with the FreeHand document.

Maintain Text Blocks

Preserves text in the FreeHand document as editable text in the Flash document.


Click OK.

About AutoCAD DXF files

Flash supports the AutoCAD DXF format in AutoCAD 10.

DXF files do not support the standard system fonts. Flash tries to map fonts appropriately, but the results can be
unpredictable, particularly for text alignment.

Because the DXF format does not support solid fills, filled areas are exported as outlines only. For this reason, the
DXF format is most appropriate for line drawings, such as floor plans and maps.

You can import two-dimensional DXF files into Flash. Flash does not support three-dimensional DXF files.

Although Flash doesn’t support scaling in a DXF file, all imported DXF files produce 12-inch x 12-inch files that you
can scale using Modify > Transform > Scale. Also, Flash supports only ASCII DXF files. If your DXF files are binary,
convert them to ASCII before importing them into Flash.

Working with Illustrator AI files

About Adobe Illustrator AI files

Flash lets you import Illustrator AI files, and to a large extent preserves your artwork's editability and visual fidelity.
The AI Importer also provides you with a great degree of control in determining how your Illustrator artwork is
imported into Flash, letting you specify how to import specific objects into an AI file.

The Flash AI Importer provides the following key features:

Preserves editability of the most commonly used Illustrator effects as Flash filters.

Preserves editability of blend modes that Flash and Illustrator have in common.

Preserves the fidelity and editability of gradient fills.

Maintains the appearance of RGB (red, green, blue) colors.

Imports Illustrator Symbols as Flash Symbols.

Preserves the number and position of Bezier control points.

Preserves the fidelity of clip masks.

Preserves the fidelity of pattern strokes and fills.

Preserves object transparency.