MediaDisplay 323
MediaPlayback 323
screens and 380
compressing sounds 296
for mobile devices 497
Compression menu, for sounds 297
configuration files 416
configuring a server for Flash
Player 433
Connect Lines preference 165
Connect To Server command, in
Version Cue 93
Contact Sensitive option 164, 165
context menus
about 27
customizing in Flash Player 416
for screens 370
context sensitive Help 4
Control menu, Test Scene and Test
Movie 493
Convert Lines to Fills command 181
Convert Stereo to Mono 297
Convert to Symbol command 210
Copy Frames command 71, 232
history steps 50
layer folder contents 39
layers 39
objects 200
screens 372
Create Copy button, in Transform
panel 200
cumulative tracking data, accessing
in learning interactions 350
curly braces, checking for matching
pairs 398
adjusting points and tangent
handles 178
adjusting segments 178
dragging tangent handles on 178
drawing, with Pen tool 175
optimizing 180
reshaping 170
straightening and smoothing 179
Custom color palette 428
Custom Ease in or Ease Out dialog
boxes 246
Custom option, for sound 294
Customize Shortcuts dialog box 31
Customize Toolbar command 27
Cut command 201
cutting a screen 372
Darken blending mode 257
Data folder, in Version Cue 93
Debug Player 401
buttons in 407
enable remote debugging 403, 414
Properties tab 405
selecting from context menu 403,
setting breakpoints 405
variables 403
Watch list 404
debugger for ActionScript 411
debugging 411, 412
Debug Player 401
files, protecting with password 422
from a remote location 402, 413
listing objects 408
listing variables 409
mode 411
remote files 413
text field properties 409
using the Output panel 408
variables 412
with trace statement 410
default color palette 186
Default Encoding preference 398
Default Text Orientation option 268
default workspace
restoring 16
Delete Workspace command 22
actions 388
comments, in Version Cue PDF
reviews 128
files and folders in Version
Cue 108, 109
frames or keyframes 71, 231
items, and saving documents 48
layers and layer folders 39
lines 180
objects 201
PDF reviews, in Version Cue 127
projects, in Version Cue 100
scenes 76
screens 373
deploying Flash SWF files 420
Deselect All command 198
Design Center 10
Device Central integration
Flash 433
Device Font publish settings 424
device fonts 262, 275
devicefont parameter 442
Difference blending mode 257
default for document 54
publishing Flash SWF file 424
setting for document 54
direction lines and points, about 171
Director. See Adobe Director
Disconnect command, in Version
Cue 101
display, speeding up document 486
distorting objects 205
Distribute to Layers command 242
Flash SWF files 420
objects to layers 242
objects to top, bottom, left, right,
or center 202
dithering colors, GIF files 428, 430
Document command 53
document optimizing
colors 486
elements and lines 486
for playback 485
text and fonts 486
document, setting
background color 54
dimensions 54
frame rate 54
properties for 53
ruler units 54
Stage size 54
document-editing mode 25, 210, 211
Antialias display 486
background color, setting 54
colors, optimizing 486
context menu, custom 416
creating from template 53
deleted lines and items, removing
and saving 48