Swatches panel
Add Colors option 187
loading default 186
Replace Colors option 187
Save Colors option 187
sorting 186
Web 216 option 186
SWF files
configuring for server MIME
type 433
editing in Flash from
Dreamweaver 420
exporting from Illustrator 136
frame load order 421
importing 135
JPEG compression 422
looping 424
playing 424
preventing import 421
printing frames 464
shortcut menu 424
substituting system fonts 424
swliveconnect attribute 444
symbol workflow 137
symbol-editing mode 25, 209, 210,
about 208
button 209
buttons, creating 221
converting a graphic object 67
creating 209
duplicating 211
editing 211
font 269
graphic 209
instance properties 214
instances, creating 213
instances, unlinking from 216
movie clip 209
swapping 215
symbol-editing mode 212
tweening colors 242
types 209
unlinking from instance 216
viewing definition 217
Sync option, for sound 294
option, for motion tweening 244
files, in Version Cue 113
sounds 294
checking 398
color options, setting in the
Actions panel 395
System 7 sounds, importing 292
system requirements 1
system.useCodepage property 280
tab order
about 360
in Accessibility panel 360
in ActionScript 365
default for accessibility 360
viewing 361
tangent handles, adjusting 178
Target objects, adding and
removing 339
target paths
about 73
absolute 72
expression 75
inserting 400
level names 72
relative 73
specifying 74
targetPath function 75
creating 437
creating document from 53
mobile device 80
photo slideshow 81
publishing 436
rich media 81
sample 440
shorthand variables 440
using 80
variables 437
Test button, in Sound Properties
dialog box 297
Test Movie command 222, 401, 493
Test Scene command 222, 493
accessible content 356
Generate Size Report option 494
movies 401
projects 63
sounds 297
aliasing 263
alignment 273
anti-aliasing 486
breaking apart 203, 271
character options 273
clipboard, importing with 200
color, choosing 272
device fonts 262, 275
dynamic text options 268
editing 266
embedded fonts 262
encoding 399
fields 261
fill color 272
finding and replacing 77
fixed width or height 267
flow, horizontal or vertical 267
font and paragraph attributes 272
font substitution 264
font symbols, creating 269
font, selecting 272
horizontal or vertical flow 267
importing from Illustrator into
Flash 137
importing with clipboard 200
in mobile devices 496
linking to a URL 271
making selectable by users 275
margins 273
masking 263
multilanguage 276, 277, 280, 285,
optimizing 486
point size, choosing 272
properties, choosing 272
resizing a text block 267
scrolling 270
searching for in scripts 389
selecting 266
selecting a font 272
selecting device fonts 275
spell checking 268
style, choosing 272
text fields 261
transforming 271
translating in Strings panel 288