Chapter 7: working with color, strokes, and fills, Working with color, About color – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 190: About the color panel

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Chapter 7: Working with color, strokes,
and fills

Adobe® Flash® CS3 Professional includes many tools for creating your own artwork and for controlling the colors,
strokes, and fills of your drawings. With Flash you can control and manipulate these aspects of your artwork both
during and after its creation.

Working with color

About color

Adobe® Flash® CS3 Professional lets you apply, create, and modify colors. Using the default palette or a palette you
create, you can choose colors to apply to the stroke or fill of an object you are about to create, or an object already on
the Stage.

When applying a stroke color to a shape, you can do any of the following:

Apply a solid color, gradient, or bitmap to a shape’s fill. To apply a bitmap fill to a shape, you must import a bitmap
into the current file. Select any solid color, gradient, and the style and weight of the stroke.

Create an outlined shape with no fill by using No Color as a fill.

Create a filled shape with no outline by using No Color as an outline.

Apply a solid color fill to text.

With the Color panel, you can create and edit solid colors and gradient fills in RGB and HSB modes.

To access the system color picker, Alt-double-click (Windows) or Option-double-click (Macintosh) the Stroke Color
or Fill Color control in the Tools panel, the shape Property inspector, or the Color panel.

See also

“Setting text attributes” on page 272

About the Color panel

The Color panel lets you change the color of strokes and fills, including the following:

Import, export, delete, and otherwise modify the color palette for a file by using the Swatches panel.

Select colors in hexadecimal mode.

Create multicolor gradients.

Use gradients to produce a wide range of effects, such as giving an illusion of depth to a two-dimensional object.