Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

Page 519

background image


selection highlighting 197

sending backward 201

sending to back 201

size, matching 202

skewing 207

snapping 182

stacking 201

transformed, copying 200

transformed, restoring 207

transforming freely 204

On Launch preferences 29

onion skin markers

changing display of 232

moving 232

Onion Skin Outlines button 232

onion skinning 232

online resources 8

opaque windowless mode, and

accessibility 354

Open As Library command 66

Open command 53

Optimize option 180


curves 180

documents 485

GIF colors 427

PNG colors 429

organizing scripts

actions 467

attaching to objects 468

Orient to Path option, for motion

tweening 244


changing color on layers 38

viewing layer contents as 37

Outlines command 486

Output panel 408

and trace statement 410

copying contents 408

displaying 408

List Objects command 408

List Variables command 409

options 408

Oval tool 166

Over state for buttons 221

overlayChildren parameter 376

Override Sound Settings option 422


Page Setup command (Windows

only) 456

Paint Bucket tool

applying fills with 191

Gap Size modifier 191


closing gaps with the Paint Bucket

tool 191

tools 166


See also panels

about 16

panel menu, displaying 17


See also palettes

about 16

Accessibility. See Accessibility


Actions 41, 216

Align 202

collapsing to icons 21

Component inspector. See

Component inspector

docking 18

Flash Project 61

grouping 19

History. See History panel

Info. See Info panel

keyboard shortcuts 45

Library 41

Mixer 189

moving 19

Scene 76

showing and hiding 17

stacking 20

Strings. See Strings panel

Transform. See Transform panel


entering in Actions panel 388

for screens 376

_parent alias 73

parent screen, about 368

parent-child relationships 72

parentheses, checking for matching

pairs 398


and remote debugging 402, 413

for debugging files 422

Paste command 200

Paste Frames command 71, 232

Paste In Place command 200

pasteboard, showing and hiding 24


history steps 50

objects 200

screens 372


adjusting anchor points in 178

direction lines and points on 171

drawing, with Pen tool 175

reshaping 170

tweening along 245

pausing (stepping through) code 406

Pen tool

adjusting anchor points with 178

corner points 177

curve points 177

drawing curves 175

overriding switching 176

pointer 174

preferences 174

using 173

Pencil tool

drawing with 166

smoothing curves 165

straightening lines 165


assigning to Version Cue users and

groups 117

Photo Slideshow template 81

Photoshop. See Adobe Photoshop

PICT files

exporting 452

importing 135

PICT Settings for clipboard

preference 31

Pin Script option in the Actions

panel 400

pinning scripts, about 400

pixel snapping 182

Place command

in Version Cue 106

play attribute or parameter 444

play modes, graphic instances 215

Play Once option 216

PLAY parameter publish settings 424

playhead, moving 35

playHidden parameter 376

playing Flash content 420