Print or delete the print job – Adobe Flash Professional CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


The following list further illustrates the relationship between units of measure.

1 pixel = 20 twips

1 point = 20 twips

72 pixels = 1 inch

72 points = 1 inch

567 twips = 1 cm

1440 twips = 1 inch

To scale a movie clip before printing, set its




properties before calling

this method, and set them back to their original values afterward. If you scale a movie clip and also pass a value for


property, the pixel values passed to


reflect the original size of the movie clip. That is, if

you set a movie clip’s scale to 50% and specify a print area of 500 x 500 pixels, the content that prints is identical to
the content that would print if you didn’t scale the movie clip; however, it prints at half the size. For more infor-
mation, see the addPage (PrintJob.addPage method)method of the


classin the ActionScript 2.0 Language


Note: For information on printing from SWF files at runtime using ActionScript 3.0, see “Printing” in Programming
ActionScript 3.0.

Specifying printing as a vector image or bitmap graphic



parameter lets you specify whether to print as a vector graphic or bitmap image. When using this

optional parameter, use the following syntax:


The default value is


, which represents a request for vector printing. Remember the following suggestions

when determining which value to use:

If the content that you’re printing includes a bitmap image, specify that the print job print as a bitmap to include
any transparency and color effects.

Conversely, if the content does not include bitmap images, specify that the print job print as vector graphics to
take advantage of the higher image quality.

Specifying a frame to print



parameter lets you specify a frame to print. If you do not specify a frame number parameter, by

default the current frame of the target or level that you specify as the first parameter when you add a page prints.

Note: For information on printing from SWF files at runtime using ActionScript 3.0, see “Printing” in Programming
ActionScript 3.0.

Print or delete the print job


To send the print job to the printer after using the ActionScript 2.0


calls, use the


method, which causes Flash Player to stop spooling the print job so that the printer starts printing.


To delete the print job after you send the print job to a printer, use the

delete PrintJob()

ActionScript function

to delete the PrintJob object, which frees memory.

Note: For information on printing from SWF files at runtime using ActionScript 3.0, see “Printing” in Programming
ActionScript 3.0.