Assignment packages, Create and send packages (indesign), Create a package for manual distribution – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual
Page 94: Pagemaker window menu commands

Workspace and workflow
Last updated 6/6/2015
PageMaker Window menu commands
Assignment packages
Create and send packages (InDesign)
Under ideal circumstances, all InDesign and InCopy users on the team have access to a server where assignment files
are stored. However, if one or more users don’t have access to a common server, you can create and distribute
compressed assignment packages. After working on the assignment, the InCopy user repackages the assignment and
returns it to be integrated into the InDesign document. Package files created in InDesign include the .icap extension.
The return package files created in InCopy include the .idap extension.
There are two commands for packaging files: Package For InCopy and Package And Email. Use Package For InCopy to
create a compressed package that you can distribute manually; use Package And Email to create a compressed package
that is attached automatically to an e-mail message.
Note: Do not confuse an assignment package with the File > Package command in InDesign that lets you bundle and send
a document and its assets to a printer.
Create a package for manual distribution
Create an assignment and add the content you want to include in the package.
Only content that is checked in can be included in the packaged assignment. If any content is checked out, you’re
prompted to check in content.
In the Assignments panel, select the assignment and choose Package For InCopy from the panel menu.
Specify a name and location for the package file, and click Save.
PageMaker command
InDesign equivalent
Additional information
Window > Arrange Icons (Windows)
No equivalent
Window > Tile
Window > Arrange > Tile
Window > Cascade
Window > Arrange > Cascade
Window > Hide/Show Tools
Window > Tools
Window > Hide/Show Control Palette
Window > Control
Window > Hide/Show Colors
Window > Color > Swatches or Window >
Color > Color
Window > Hide/Show Styles
Window > Styles > Paragraph Styles or
Character Styles
Window > Hide/Show Layers
Window > Layers
Window > Hide/Show Master Pages
Window > Pages
Window > Hide/Show Hyperlinks
Window > Interactive > Hyperlinks
Window > Plug-in Palettes
No equivalent
Plug-ins appear as added options in InDesign
menus or panels, or in InDesign dialog boxes.
Window > [name of open document]
Window > [name of open document]