Hyperlink appearance options, Convert urls to hyperlinks, Manage hyperlinks – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual
Page 393

Last updated 6/6/2015
Hyperlink appearance options
The options determine the appearance of the hyperlink or cross-reference source in the exported PDF or SWF file.
These appearance options are also displayed in the InDesign document if you choose View > Extras > Show Hyperlinks.
Character Style
Choose a character style to apply to the hyperlink source. By default, InDesign applies the Hyperlink
style to the selected text or object. For text, you can easily select a different style from the Style drop-down in the New
Hyperlink dialog box. For a non-text object, InDesign applies a design time visual identifier to the links – dotted line
around the object with the color inherited from layer color.
Select Visible Rectangle or Invisible Rectangle.
Select Invert, Outline, Inset, or None. These options determine the appearance of the hyperlink when it’s
being clicked in the PDF or SWF file.
Select a color for the visible hyperlink rectangle.
Select Thin, Medium, or Thick to determine the thickness of the hyperlink rectangle.
Select Solid or Dashed to determine the appearance of the hyperlink rectangle.
Convert URLs to hyperlinks
You can find and convert URLs (such as “www.adobe.com”) in your document and convert them to hyperlinks.
Choose Convert URLs To Hyperlinks from the Hyperlinks panel menu.
For Scope, indicate whether your want to convert URLs in the entire document, the current story, or the current
To apply a character style to the hyperlink, select a character style from the Character Style menu.
Do any of the following, and then click Done.
• Click Find to locate the next URL.
• Click Convert to convert the current URL to a hyperlink.
• Click Convert All to convert all URLs to hyperlinks.
Manage hyperlinks
Use the Hyperlinks panel to edit, delete, reset, or locate hyperlinks. In InCopy, you can manage hyperlinks only if the
story is checked out for editing.