Liquid layouts and alternate layouts | cc, cs6, Target or select a page or spread, Add new pages to a document – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual
Page 152: Create color labels for page thumbnails
Layout and design
Last updated 6/6/2015
Target or select a page or spread
You either select or target pages or spreads, depending on the task you are performing. Some commands affect the
currently selected page or spread, while others affect the target page or spread. For example, you can drag ruler guides
only to the target page or spread, but page-related commands, such as Duplicate Spread or Delete Page, affect the page
or spread selected in the Pages panel. Targeting makes a page or spread active and is helpful when, for example, several
spreads are visible in the document window and you want to paste an object onto a specific spread.
In the Pages panel:
• To both target and select a page or spread, double-click its icon or the page numbers under the icon. If the page
or spread is not visible in the document window, it shifts into view.
: You can also both target and select a page or spread by clicking a page, any object on the page, or its
pasteboard in the document window.
The vertical ruler is dimmed alongside all but the targeted page or spread.
• To select a page, click its icon. (Don’t double-click unless you want to select it and move it into view.)
• To select a spread, click the page numbers under the spread icon.
Note: Some spread options, such as those in the Pages panel menu, are available only when an entire spread is selected.
Add new pages to a document
Do any of the following:
• To add a page after the active page or spread, click the New Page button in the Pages panel or choose Layout >
Pages > Add Page. The new page uses the same master as the existing active page.
• To add multiple pages to the end of the document, choose File > Document Setup. In the Document Setup dialog
box, specify the total number of pages for the document. InDesign adds pages after the last page or spread.
• To add pages and specify the document master, choose Insert Pages from the Pages panel menu or choose Layout
> Pages > Insert Pages. Choose where the pages will be added and select a master to apply.
Create color labels for page thumbnails
You can assign colored labels to the page thumbnails in the Pages panel. For example, you can use color labels to indicate
the status of the pages, such as a green label for complete spreads, a yellow label for spreads being worked on, and a red
label for unstarted spreads.
In the Pages panel, select the pages to which you want to apply the color labels.
From the Pages panel menu, choose Color Label, and then choose the color to assign.
The color label appears below the thumbnail in the Pages panel.
Applying a color label to master pages affects all pages to which the master is applied. However, when you apply a color
label to individual document pages, the color label for the document pages is used. To use a color label for master pages,
select the document pages you want to change and choose Color Label > Use Master Color from the Pages panel menu.
Liquid Layouts and Alternate Layouts | CC, CS6
Alternate layouts and Liquid Layout page rules, give you the flexibility to efficiently design for multiple page sizes,
orientations, or aspect ratios.