Epub resources, Export content to html | cs6 & cs5.5 – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual

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Exporting and publishing

Last updated 6/6/2015

Include Embeddable Fonts

Includes all fonts that are embeddable, in the eBook. Fonts include embedding bits that

determine if the font is embeddable.

Add Style Sheet

Specify the URL of the existing CSS style sheet, which is usually a relative URL, such as

“/styles/style.css.” InDesign does not check whether the CSS exists or is valid, so you’ll want to confirm your CSS setup.

Add Script

Specify the URL of an existing JavaScript. InDesign does not check whether the JavaScript exists or is valid,

so you’ll want to confirm your JavaScript setup.

EPUB resources

Use the following links to learn about EPUB format.

• For more information on the EPUB specification, see


• Download a free copy of the Digital Editions reader at


• See the blog

Digital Editions

for information on Digital Editions.

• For information on exporting to Kindle, see the

InDesign to Kindle white paper


• Learn how to convert your InDesign files to the EPUB format and start selling your eBooks for viewing on the Apple

iPad. See the

InDesign to iPad white paper


Export content to HTML | CS6 & CS5.5

Exporting to HTML is an easy way to get your InDesign content into web-ready form. When you export content to
HTML, you can control how text and images are exported. InDesign preserves the names of paragraph, character,
object, table, and cell styles applied to the exported contents by marking the HTML contents with CSS style classes of
the same name. Using Adobe Dreamweaver or any CSS-capable HTML editor, you can quickly apply formatting and
layout to the contents.

What gets exported

InDesign exports all stories, linked and embedded graphics, SWF movie files, footnotes, text

variables (as text), bulleted and numbered lists, internal cross-references, and hyperlinks that jump to text or web pages.
Tables are also exported, but certain formatting, such as table and cell strokes, is not exported. Tables are assigned
unique IDs, so they can be referenced as Spry data sets in Dreamweaver. Placed audio and h.264 video files are enclosed
in HTML5

What doesn’t get exported

InDesign does not export objects you draw (such as rectangles, ovals, and polygons),

hyperlinks (except for links to web pages and links applied to text that jump to text anchors in the same document),
pasted objects (including pasted Illustrator images), text converted to outlines, XML tags, books, bookmarks, SING
glyphlets, page transitions, index markers, objects on the pasteboard that aren’t selected and don’t touch the page, or
master page items (unless they’re overridden or selected before export).


If you’re not exporting the entire document, select the text frames, range of text, table cells, or graphics you want to


Choose File > Export and select HTML from the Save As Type list.


Specify the name and location of the HTML document, and then click Save.


In the HTML Export Options dialog box, specify the desired options in the General, Image, and Advanced areas,
and then click OK.

A document with the specified name and an .html extension (such as “newsletter.html”) is created; if specified, a web
images subfolder (such as “newsletter-web-images”) is saved in the same location.

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