Delete a segment, Delete the handle of an anchor point, Extend an open path – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual
Page 447: Connect two open paths
Drawing and painting
Last updated 6/6/2015
Note: You can also apply a transformation, such as scaling or rotating, to a segment or anchor point.
Delete a segment
Select the Direct Selection tool
, and select the segment you want to delete.
Press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Mac OS) to delete the selected segment. Pressing Backspace or Delete again
erases the rest of the path.
Delete the handle of an anchor point
• Using the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Illustrator) or the Convert Direction Point Tool (InDesign), click the anchor
point of the handle.
• Drag the direction point and drop it onto the anchor point.
Extend an open path
Using the Pen tool, position the pointer over the endpoint of the open path you want to extend. The pointer changes
when it’s precisely positioned over the endpoint.
Click the endpoint.
Do one of the following:
• To create a corner point, position the Pen tool where you want to end the new segment, and click. If you are
extending a path that ends at a smooth point, the new segment will be curved by the existing direction line
Note: In Illustrator, if you extend a path that ends in a smooth point, the new segment will be straight.
To create a smooth point, position the Pen tool where you want to end the new curved segment, and drag.
Connect two open paths
Using the Pen tool, position the pointer over the endpoint of the open path that you want to connect to another path.
The pointer changes when it’s precisely positioned over the endpoint.
Click the endpoint.
Do one of the following:
• To connect the path to another open path, click an endpoint on the other path. When you precisely position the
Pen tool over the other path’s endpoint, a small merge symbol
appears next to the pointer.
• To connect a new path to an existing path, draw the new path near the existing path, and then move the Pen tool
to the existing path’s (unselected) endpoint. Click that endpoint when you see the small merge symbol that
appears next to the pointer.
In InDesign, you can also use the Pathfinder panel to join paths. To close the path of an open path, use the Selection
tool to select the path and click Close Path in the Pathfinder panel. To close the end points between two paths, select the
paths and click Join Path. You may want to click Join Path a second time to join the second endpoint.