Creating and editing motion presets (video 5:23), Creating multistate objects (pdf, 203 kb) – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/6/2015

• To move a bookmark out of a nested position, select the bookmark or range of bookmarks you want to move.

Drag the icon or icons below and to the left of the parent bookmark. A black bar appears indicating where the
bookmark will be moved. Release the bookmark.

• To change the order of bookmarks, select a bookmark and move it to a new location. A black bar appears

indicating where the bookmark will be placed.

• To sort bookmarks, choose Sort Bookmarks from the Bookmarks panel menu. Bookmarks appear in the same

order as the pages they jump to.

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Creating and editing motion presets (video 5:23)

See how to edit and customize motion path presets, which allow you to animate images or text in InDesign.

Creating and editing motion presets (video 5:23)

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Creating multistate objects (PDF, 203 KB)

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