Producing in-rip separations, Print or save separations – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/6/2015

For assurance that the file will print correctly, consider saving the separations as a PostScript file, converting the
PostScript file to Acrobat 8 PDF using Acrobat Distiller, and then viewing the PDF document in Acrobat. By viewing

the PDF document in Acrobat, you can inspect high-quality PostScript output on-screen at a high level of detail.

Producing in-RIP separations

To produce in-RIP separations, you need the following software and hardware:

• A PPD file that supports in-RIP separations.

• Any PostScript 3 output device, or a PostScript Level 2 device whose RIP supports in-RIP separations. If the

document contains duotones from Photoshop 5.0 or later, a PostScript 3 device is required to generate in-RIP

Note: Depending on the prepress software available, a service provider may be able to perform such prepress activities as
trapping, imposition, separating, and OPI replacement at the output device’s RIP. Therefore, your service provider may
prefer to receive a composite PostScript file of the document optimized for in-RIP separations, rather than a preseparated
PostScript file.

Print or save separations


At the top of the Print dialog box, choose a preset in the Print Preset menu, if one with the appropriate separation
settings exists.


Do one of the following:

• To print to an output device, choose the device in the Printer menu.

• To print to a file, choose PostScript® File in the Printer menu. Then choose a PPD that supports the output device.


Click General, and specify the pages to separate.


Click Output, and do one of the following:

• To print to an output device, choose Separations to create the separations in InDesign.

• To print to a file, choose either Separations, or In-RIP Separations to save separation settings in a composite

PostScript file for processing in the RIP.

Note: To use Adobe In-RIP Trapping, you must be working with in-RIP rather than host-based separations. Otherwise,
the trapping feature won’t have access to all of the colors at once, and trapping won’t occur.


Click Graphics, and do the following:

• For Send Data, choose All.

• For Download, choose Complete or Subset, unless fonts will be inserted later (for example, at the RIP or by a

post-processing application).

• For PostScript®, select the PostScript level of the output device: Level 2 or Level 3.


Click Advanced, and do any of the following:

• To replace low-resolution graphics embedded in placed EPS files with their high-resolution versions at output

time, make sure that Read Embedded OPI Image Links was selected when the EPS file was placed in the InDesign
document, and then select OPI Image Replacement in the Advanced area of the Print dialog box.

• To omit different imported graphics types for later replacement by an OPI server, select from the Omit For OPI


• For Transparency Flattener Preset, choose [High Resolution] or an available custom style with high-resolution


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