Satin, Basic feather, Directional feather – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/6/2015

The Shading settings determine how light interacts with the object:

Angle and Altitude

Sets the height of the light source. A setting of 0 is equivalent to ground level; 90 is directly above

the object.

Use Global Light

Applies the global light source as specified for all transparency effects. Choosing this option overrides

any Angle and Altitude settings.

Highlight and Shadow

Specifies the blending mode for the bevel or emboss highlight and shadow.


Use the Satin effect to give objects a smooth, satin-like finish. Choose the blending mode, opacity, angle, distance, and
size settings, as well as whether to invert colors and transparencies:


Select this option to reverse the colored and transparent areas of the object.

Basic Feather

The Feather effect softens (fades) the edges of an object over a distance that you specify:

Feather Width

Sets the distance over which the object fades from opaque to transparent.


Along with the Feather Width setting, determines how much of the softening glow is opaque and how much is
transparent; a large setting increases opacity and a small setting increases transparency.


Choose Sharp, Rounded, or Diffused:


Follows the outer edge of the shape, including sharp corners. This option is appropriate for star-like objects and

a special effect on a rectangular shape.


Rounds the corner by the feather radius; essentially, the shape is first inset, then outset, to form the two

contours. This option works well with rectangles.


Uses the Adobe Illustrator method, which makes the edges of the object fade from opaque to transparent.


Specifies the amount of random elements in the softening glow. Use this option to soften the glow.

Directional Feather

The Directional Feather effect softens the edges of an object by fading the edges to transparent from directions that you
specify. For example, you can apply feathering to the top and bottom of the object, not the left or right side.Feather

Set the distance over which the top, bottom, left side, and right side of the object fade to transparent. Select the

Lock option to fade each side of the object by the same distance.NoiseSpecifies the amount of random elements in the
softening glow. Use this option to create a softer glow.ChokeAlong with the Width settings, determines how much of
the glow is opaque and how much is transparent; large settings increase opacity and small settings increase
transparency.ShapeChoose an option—First Edge Only, Leading Edges, or All Edges—to demarcate the object’s
original shape.AngleRotates the frame of reference for the feathering effect such that, as long as you don’t enter a
multiple of 90 degrees, the feathering edges are skewed rather than parallel to the object.

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