Find and change conditional text – Adobe InDesign CC 2015 User Manual
Page 284
Last updated 6/6/2015
To delete multiple conditions, Shift-click to select contiguous conditions, or Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-
click (Mac OS) to select non-contiguous conditions, and then click the Delete Condition icon.
Remove a condition from text
Removing a condition tag from text is different from deleting a tag from a document.
When you remove a tag from text, the tag remains in the document so it can be applied again later.
To remove a condition from text, select the text and click the box next to the condition to remove the check mark,
or click [Unconditional] to remove all conditions from the selected text.
Load (import) conditions
Choose Load Conditions (to load only conditions) or Load Conditions And Sets from the
Conditional Text panel menu. Select the InDesign document from which you want to import the conditions, and
click Open. Loaded conditions and sets replace any condition or set that has an identical name.
You cannot load conditions from an InCopy file in InDesign, but you can load conditions from an InDesign file in
both InDesign and InCopy.
Loaded sets ignore the visibility settings of the conditions currently in the Conditional Text panel.
Synchronize conditions in a book
To make sure you’re using the same conditions in all documents in a book, create
the conditions you want in the style source document, select Conditional Text Settings in the Synchronize Options
dialog box, and then synchronize the book.
Show or hide condition indicators
Choose Show or Hide from the Indicators menu in the Conditional Text panel to
show or hide condition indicators. If you’re showing one version and want to see which areas are conditional, show
the condition indicators. If you find the condition indicators distracting while viewing the layout, hide the condition
indicators. Choose Show And Print if you want the condition indicators to be printed and output.
Change a condition name
In the Conditional Text panel, click a condition, pause, and then click the condition name
to select it. Type a different name.
Edit condition indicators
In the Conditional Text panel, double-click a condition, or select a condition and choose
Condition Options from the panel menu. Specify indicator settings, and click OK.
Find and change conditional text
Use the Find/Change dialog box to find text to which one or more conditions have been applied and replace it with one
or more other conditions.
Show any conditional text you want included in the search.
Hidden text is excluded from the search.
Choose Edit > Find/Change.
If the Find Format and Change Format boxes don’t appear at the bottom of the dialog box, click More Options.
Click the Find Format box to display the Find Format Settings dialog box. Under Conditions, select [Any Condition]
to search for text in which any conditon is applied, [Unconditional] to search for text in which no condition is
applied, or select the specific condition or conditions you want to search for. Click OK.
This feature finds text that perfectly matches the selected conditions. For example, if you select both Condition 1
and Condition 2, text to which only one of the conditions are applied isn’t found, nor is text found to which these
two conditions and another is applied.
Click the Change Format box to display the Change Format Settings dialog box. Specify the different formatting
option, such as a condition or a character style, and then click OK.