ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Command Reference User Manual

Page 37

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Command Description

6: Main feedback entry used as input for digital halls signals
7-11: Reserved

CA[25] Motor


0: Keep the original motor direction, as connected by user.
1: Reverse phase driving.

The effect of CA[25] is to set the direction of torque/force for positive
current demand.

CA[28] DC


0: Three-phase brushless motor, Uses the M1, M2, and M3 motor
1: DC motor — do not perform commutation. Current will flow

continuously from the M1 motor connector pin of the servo drive

to the

M2 terminal. The C terminal conducts no current.

2: Two phase motor (stepper). One phase is connected between the M1
and M2 terminals, and the other phase is connected between M3 and

Table 3-6: CA Vector - Commutation Setup Parameters

Command Description


Signal frequency for “No Hall” commutation search process. This
signal is derived from the sampling time, according to the following
Time = 128 * TT[1] * 2


* 1e-6. The frequency is 1/Time Hz.


The minimum motor movement to perform result analysis, in counts.
When this variable is too low, the commutation search process might
fail (MF=0x10,000).


Starting torque for motor-on commutation search process in
percentages. Starting torque = (CA[26]/100))*CL[1]


Maximum acceptable number of iterations for auto-phasing process.
If the process fails due to overload (motion amplitude is less than
CA[24]), the auto-phasing may be repeated CA[27] times, with the
current being doubled at every iteration. If the peak current (PL[1]) is
reached at any attempt, the auto-phasing process will stop even if
CA[27] allows more iterations.

Table 3-7: CA Vector - Automatic Commutation Search Parameters, no Hall Sensors

SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual

Alphabetical Listing

MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)