Defining the set of recording signals, Programming length and resolution, 3 defining the set of recording signals – ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Command Reference User Manual

Page 307: 4 programming length and resolution

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10.1.3 Defining the Set of Recording Signals

The RC command defines which mapped signals should be recorded. Each bit of RC, a
16-bit bit field, specifies a logical signal ID for recording. For example, if RC=5, the first
and third bits with the binary value of five will be on and the rest of the bits will be zero
(0000000000000101). Therefore, RC=5 specifies that the signals with logical IDs one and
three should be recorded, and all other signals should not.

The commands

RV[1]=5; RV[2]=1; RC=3;

define that when launched, the recorder will record the main speed and position error.

RC may define a maximum of eight recorded signals, meaning that the binary
representation of RC may not include more than eight ones.

10.1.4 Programming Length and Resolution

The RP[0], RL and RG commands are used to program the length and resolution of the
recorded signals.

RP[0] defines the basic time quantum of the recorder:

RP[0]=0 synchronizes the recorder to the speed or position control cycles. The time

quantum of the recorder is 4 * TS.

RP[0]=1 synchronizes the recorder to the torque cycles. The time quantum of the

recorder is TS.

RG defines the sampling rate of the recorder, in terms of the time quantum:

RG=1 indicates that a new sample should be taken once per time quantum. If TS=70

and RP[0]=0, the recorder will sample once per 280 microseconds.

RG=2 indicates that a new sample should be taken once per two time quanta. If

TS=70 and RP[0]=1, the recorder will sample once per 140 microseconds.

Similarly, RG=N indicates the a new sample should be taken once per N time quanta.

Note that RG specifies only the recorder sampling rate, not the trigger sampling rate. A
trigger event will cause the recorder to start within one time quantum (TS).

RL defines the maximum number of data items to collect. For example, if RL=11, TS=70,
RG=1 and RP[0]=0, then the 11 samples will be taken at the rate of 280 microseconds,
lasting (11-1) x 280 milliseconds = 2,800 microseconds.

The recorder memory is limited to a total of 4096 long variables. When more signals are
recorded, less memory is available for each recorded signal.
If RL > (recorder memory) / (number of signals), the recorder will fail to record the
specified RL samples and instead, will record up to its data volume.

The actual amount of recorded data can be polled using the WI[21] command.

SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note

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