ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Command Reference User Manual

Page 36

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Command Description

8: Every Hall sensor transition: the exact electrical angle is locked and

commutation continues by position sensor increments.


Feedback bits (“counts”) per revolution, after resolution is multiplied
by 4, in the range [6…530,000,000].

For Analog Encoders, the resolution for commutation is always taken
as x2


, regardless of CA[31].

For Analog Hall sensors always use CA[18]=65536

For systems with Halls only, CA[18] is calculated as CA[19] * 6


The number of feedback counts per electrical revolution is
For brushless motors, this is the number of pole pairs.
For steppers, this is one quarter of the steps count.

Table 3-5: CA Vector - Feedback Setup Parameters

The parameters in the tables that follow are required for commutation setup.

Command Description

Digital Hall sensors present:
0: No digital Hall sensors are connected. If the commutation angle is

yet known, then at motor on a commutation search will be made.


digital Hall input consistency checks will be made.

1: Digital Hall sensors are connected. Upon motor on, commutation

be performed according to the digital Hall sensors. Continuous

encoder-based commutation will begin when the first Hall edge is

identified. The drive performs commutation checks by


comparing the encoder-derived commutation angle with the Hall

sensor recorded status.


Position sensor present:
0: Ignore the position sensor inputs. Commutation will be based on

digital Hall sensors only.

1: The position sensor will be used for commutation.


Main feedback type:
0-1: Reserved.
2: Quadrature incremental encoder signals.
3: Analog encoder with 1v p-p sine\cosine signal.
4: Reserved
5: Reserved

SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual

Alphabetical Listing

MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)