Simpliq – ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Command Reference User Manual
Page 306

After power on, the recorder can access the first 16 signals, as listed in Table
access other signals, the recorder must perform a process called “mapping” in order to
make them available. In the mapping process, the IDs of the desired signals are
mapped to recorder “cells” (logical IDs that can be directly referenced by the recorder)
so that on power on, the signals are mapped to the cells. The following table lists the
additional signals that are available to the
drive recorder. The full list of
signals may differ according to the
drive’s grades and released. The signals
can be retrieved from the personality partition of the serial flash memory.
Signal Name
Field angle
Stator field angle, 1024 counts per
electrical revolution.
18 Commutation
sensor Long
Position counter, counted modulo
per mechanical revolution, with
origin at electrical angle of zero.
Filtered torque command
Command to Q current controller,
at output of command filter.
Motor DC supply voltage
Sample motor DC supply voltage.
External position reference
Part of position reference
generated by external inputs.
Table 10-3: Additional Recorded Signals
Prior to being recorded, the signals listed in Table
recorder. Up to sixteen signals may be mapped to the recorder at any time. Up to eight
signals can be recorded simultaneously.
The RV[N]=x command maps a signal with the ID of x to the logical ID of N, N=1…16.
RC is a bit-field parameter (bit 0 to 15) that sends the actual required signal to the
recorder. In this case, bit N-1 of RC points to signal x.
RV[2]=1 maps the signal with the ID of 1 (main encoder speed) to the logical ID of 2.
This means that in order to record the main encoder speed, bit 1 of RC should be set
The default mapping, restored at boot, maps the signals of IDs 1 through 16 to the
corresponding logical IDs 1 through 16. Therefore, the signals with IDs 1 through 16
can be recorded using corresponding logical IDs, without further programming.
No mapping is required if only signals with IDs 1 through 16 are needed.
SimplIQ for Steppers Application Note
Development Aids
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)