ElmoMC SimplIQ Digital Servo Drives-Bell Command Reference User Manual
Page 20

The use of certain commands is illegal in certain contexts. The
reasons for this may be:
Safety: For example, it is not safe to change the direction of the feedback while
the motor is running.
Relevance: For example, a torque command cannot be specified in speed control
mode (UM=2); in speed mode, the drive automatically sets the torque.
Consistency: A parameter may be inconsistent with the specification of other
parameters. For example, in point-to-point mode, the position absolute value
(PA) may be no higher than the maximum allowed position reference (VH[3]).
Default values:
Default value and storage type.
Volatile variables are reset to their defaults with each power on.
Non-volatile variables can be stored using the SV command.
Stored non-volatile values are read from storage upon power on
and can be reset to their defaults using the RS command.
Range definition: For example, the position command may be
specified in the range [-1,073,741,824…-1,073,741,823]
Unit mode (UM): Defines the function of the drive. The unit modes are:
UM=1 Torque
UM=2 Speed
UM=3 Micro-stepping
Dual-feedback position control
Single-feedback position control
Specifies when the entered parameter value should be used.
Activation may be:
Immediate As soon as the command is processed
Triggered By another command
For example, the AC (acceleration) parameter should only affect
the next motion, triggered by the BG command.
Simple examples of the command usage. All examples are given in
RS-232 syntax.
See also: Related
Reference chapter Chapter or section that contains relevant details pertinent to the
in the SimplIQ for command.
SimplIQ for Steppers Command Reference Manual
Alphabetical Listing
MAN-STECR (Ver. 1.1)