IAI America XSEL-S User Manual
Page 58

4. RC Gateway Function setting
[Procedure 2] Reflection of changed parameters
Click the parameter send button to send the changed parameters to X-SEL and then write
into the flash ROM.
After that, a message appears to ask whether to software reset X-SEL. Have the reset.
Caution㧦 After the parameters are written in the flash ROM, Error Code 6A1 (UBM Data
Construction Change Error) will be generated if conducting a software reset. The
way how to solve in case this error is generated is as described below.
Click on Controller (C) ĺ Memory Initializing (I) ĺ User Data Retaining Memory (U)
in XSEL PC Software to perform an initializing of the memory. After writing into the
flash ROM, perform a software reset or reboot the power. Conduct a software reset
or reboot the power after writing to flash ROM. By initializing the memory, the
capacity in RC position data is ensured and the error will be solved.
1) Parameter send button
2) Yes
3) OK
4) Yes