2 @aglance/it server operation, 2 registering server nodes – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual

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@aGlance/IT Server Interface 305

11.2 @aGlance/IT Server Operation

The @aGlance/IT API for the Micro-DCI translates between the @aGlance/IT methods and data struc-
tures, and those of the Micro-DCI Global database.

There are two aspects to @aGlance/IT server configuration: external interface configuration and internal
interface configuration. The @aGlance/IT internal interface configuration is used to identify the nodes on
which @aGlance/IT servers will run, and is described in

Section 11.2.1, Configuring the @aGlance/IT

Server Internal Interface

. The @aGlance/IT external interface configuration is used to identify tagnames

and attributes (atoms) in the Micro-DCI Global database, and is described in

Section 11.2.5, Configuring

the @aGlance/IT Server External Interface


11.2.1 Configuring the @aGlance/IT Server Internal Interface

The @aGlance/IT internal interface configuration is used to identify the nodes on which @aGlance/IT serv-
ers will run. Servers identify themselves to @aGlance/IT at run time, and client applications specify, at run
time, the names of the servers with which they wish to communicate. Internal interface configuration is
required so that the nodes can be recognized by @aGlance/IT clients. When a client issues a request to
communicate with a server application, @aGlance/IT will look for it on servers which have been identified
using the @aGlance/IT Administration (aag_admin) tool.

After an @aGlance/IT server has been defined, the @aGlance/IT item available from the System Window
Menu button provides access to the external interface. The external interface provides the ability to identify
the set of tagnames and their associated attributes (atoms) which will be recognized by the @aGlance/IT
servers. It also allows you to configure the translations of the attribute (atom) names, to make them recog-
nizable to applications on other platforms.

11.2.2 Registering Server Nodes

To access the @aGlance/IT Administration Tool, go to the Program Manager or equivalent and double-
click on the Micro-PWC icon. In the resulting window, click on the @aGlance/IT Administration icon. The
@aGlance/IT Administration Tool will be displayed. The main options on this window are:

Server Hosts (server host registration)

Proxies (client registration)

Permissions (permission configuration)

Use the Server Hosts option to register all potential server node names in the @aGlance/IT configuration
database for the local node. Server registration identifies and characterizes nodes which contain a server
that clilent applications will access. When the Server Hosts option is selected, the user interface provides a
text entry box labelled Server Host. To register a server node, enter the Internet host name of the server in
this text entry box.

Server registration is only necessary on nodes where a client application (e.g., Microsoft Excel) exists. All
nodes containing client applications have to register the name of the Micro-PWC which contains the
@aGlance/IT server, in order to find and communicate with the server.


Configuration of the @aGlance/IT internal interface on the Micro-
PWC is performed using utilities provided by the makers of
@aGlance/IT. It is assumed that the user has had Windows training
and/or experience, and has an understanding of the Windows

It is further assumed that users creating custom @aGlance/IT
clients are familiar with @aGlance/IT development software and the
documentation (including on-line help) supplied by the makers of