4 summary - trends – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 277

Trends 257
7.4 Summary - Trends
Archival Trends
Archival Trending permits Historical Trends to be transferred to a removable
tape cartridge, creating a permanent record which can be retrieved and
displayed at a later date.
Collection Info
Collection Info is a field in the Trend Configuration window which provides
information on how the tagname has been configured in the Historical
database, including the tagname.atom, the collection rate, the storage rate,
and the storage option.
Current Trends
A current trend for each point appears as part of the point display; current
trends are not configurable, and are not stored. Current trending for a point
exists only when the point is on display.
Display Option (DIS)
The DIS (Display Option) drop-down list box is a feature which determines the
form in which the data is to be presented on the trend display - as a MINimum,
MAXimum, AVeraGe, or INSTantaneous value.
Historical Database
The Historical Database is a set of points in the Micro-PWC which collects
and stores data gathered from one or more controllers.
Historical Block
The Historical Block Database is a set of points in the Micro-PWC designed
for the efficient collection and storage of data from a large number of
controller tag.atoms, which can reside in one or more controllers.
Historical Tag
A Historical Tag is the tagname assigned to a point in the Historical database.
The Historical database is configured using the Historical Database selection
on the Configure menu available from the System Window Menu button.
Historical Trends
Up to 9,999 network-wide Historical Trend displays are available on the
Micro-PWC (each of which can be configured to display up to 8 traces). The
configuration of these trends can be performed on any Micro-PWC, and is
then distributed to all other Micro-PWC nodes on the network. (The storage
location of the actual trend data can be configured by the user via the
Historical Database option, available from the Configure option available from
the System Window Menu button.)
List Button
The List button appears on the Trend Index Entry window. Click this button to
display the Select Trend window, which contains the number and (if assigned)
the legend for all configured trends.
Scale Bar Limits
The Scale Bar Limits, High and Low, are used to configure the default lowest
and highest scale numbers on the vertical axis of the trend display. These
limits become the default limits which appear, in white, each time the display
is called up or reset via the Reset button (which appears at the bottom of the
display). If no limits are specified, the High limit defaults to 100.00 and the
Low limit to 0.00.
Search Button
The Search button is located on the Select Trend window, which is accessed
by clicking on the List button on the Trend Index Entry window. Enter a trend
index number in the Index Entry box, or an alphanumeric text string in the
Title Entry box, then click Search. The trend with that index number or first
instance of a trend containing that string in its title will be displayed and
highlighted at the top of the list box.