4 edit historical block, 5 copy an historical block, 6 delete an historical block – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 321: 1 find an historical block, Figure 10-5. historical block find window

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Historical Block Data Collection 301

10.4 Edit Historical Block

To make changes to an existing Historical Block, first click the desired block name in the Historical Block
Database Configuration
window (

Figure 10-1

), then click Edit. The Historical Block Configuration window


Figure 10-2

) will be displayed, containing the values currently configured for that block.

Configure as described in

Section 10.3, Add Historical Block


10.5 Copy an Historical Block

To copy the configuration of an existing Historical Block to a new Block Name, use the Copy button. Click
on the desired block name in the Historical Block Database Configuration window (

Figure 10-1

), then click

Copy. The Historical Block Configuration window (

Figure 10-2

) will be displayed, containing the values

currently configured for that block, except for the Block Name and Legend text entry boxes, which are

Configure as described in

Section 10.3, Add Historical Block


10.6 Delete an Historical Block

The Delete button is used to delete a block in the Historical Block Database. Click on the name of the
block to be deleted; it will be highlighted. Click Delete to delete the highlighted block. A confirmation win-
dow will appear, which asks if the block is to be deleted, and which contains two buttons labelled Yes and
No. Click Yes to delete the block, or click No to exit the operation without deleting the selected blocks.

10.6.1 Find an Historical Block

The Find button is located in the lower left corner of the Historical Block Database Configuration window

Figure 10-1

). It is used to locate a given Historical Block in the Historical Block database. If the block does

exist, Find quickly locates it on the Block Name list and highlights it. Once located, the configuration of the
block can be viewed, edited or deleted as desired.

To use this feature, click Find. In the resulting pop-up window (), click the entry box and enter the desired
Block Name. If only a portion of the name is entered, the first entry that contains the entered string will be
chosen. For example, if the string HR is entered, and the first Block Name to begin with these characters is
HRANO1, then this is the block that would be highlighted in the Block Name list. The Find feature can only
be used to locate strings in block names; it is not applicable to Block Legends.


The Block Name cannot be changed when an existing Historical
Block is edited; use the Copy button to copy the configuration of an
existing Historical Block to a new Block Name.

Figure 10-5. Historical Block Find Window