7 custom models for point and group displays, 1 group display customization techniques – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual

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220 Grafx Editor

4.7 Custom Models For Point and Group Displays

The user can create custom models for use as Point and Group displays. To do this, simply open the
model you wish to change, and edit it as required.

This sub-section presents guidelines which should be followed when editing custom models intended for
use as Point or Group Displays.

Configure the model as a submodel, using the instructions and data provided in the preceding
sections of this chapter.

Use a generic name for the public name when declaring a variable for the tagname to be used
in the submodel. This allows the public name to be assigned to a tagname each time an
instance of the submodel is configured on a graphic. See the

Section, Declaring

Variables in Submodels

, and

Section, Naming Variables

for details on declaring and

naming variables in submodels. Note that when naming the generic tagname variable, the
string $TAG$ should be used, and upper case letters should be used.

Install the model as a submodel. Installation of graphics and submodels is described in the

Section, Installation Operations

sub-section of this chapter.

Remember that group models should be configured in the appropriate shape, so that they fit
correctly on a group display which also contains models for other points.

Micro-DCI Submodels, supplied with the Micro-DCI software, can be used as examples by users who wish
to create their own Point and Group displays.

Table 4-20


Section 4.6, Micro-DCI SUBMODELS

, provides

lists of model names of these submodels for use as Point and Group displays; these model names use the
prefix uFP_.

4.7.1 Group Display Customization Techniques

Techniques which exist for customizing Group Displays on the Micro-PWC include the following:


Use the Grafx Editor to modify a copy of a MicroMod-supplied group model and install it as a
user submodel with the same name. The Micro-DCI software checks the disk location which
contains the user submodels before it checks the location which contains the Micro-DCI
Submodels. Therefore, if both a user submodel and an Micro-DCI Submodel with the same
name exist, the user submodel will be found first and will be used on Micro-DCI group


Use the Grafx editor to modify copies of one or more of the submodels which compose a
MicroMod group model. Each group model is composed of several submodels. For example,
the model uFP_gINcn0 uses the submodel FP_DYvslider as the slider used to change the
setpoint on a controller module Group Display. The submodel FP_DYvslider could be loaded
into the Grafx editor, then modified, then installed as a user submodel with the same name.
The modified version would then be used for all CON modules and all other modules which
have Group and Point Display models that incorporate FP_DYvslider.

This technique allows a Group Display to be customized without making modifications directly to a copy of
the model for the Group Display.