Figure 7-2. select trend window – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 270

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250 Trends

To enter the index number of the trend to be configured, click on the displayed keypad numbers to enter
the trend index number, or click in the entry box and then enter the trend index number via the keyboard.
The left arrow (

←) on the keypad corresponds to B


on the keyboard.

Trends can also be accessed using the List button on the Trend Index Entry window. Click List to display
the Select Trend window (

Figure 7-2

), which contains the number and (if assigned) the legend for all con-

figured trends.

The Select Trend window displays a list box containing the index number and title of all trends which have
been configured.






arrow buttons to the right of the list box provide access to additional pages

of the list, while a scroll bar below the list box can be used to read trend titles which are too long to be dis-
played in their entirety.

Below the list box, entry boxes are provided for entry of the trend index number and trend title. Enter the
trend index number in the Index entry box and click Search to locate a trend via its index number. Alterna-
tively, enter a trend title or portion thereof in the Title entry box, then click Search to locate the next
instance of the specified text.

Click Top to return to the first part (top) of the list.

To complete the trend selection operation, click OK. The chosen trend will be displayed in the Operator
Window (

Figure 7-3



Figure 7-2. Select Trend Window