1 child windows - the model creation environment, 1 opening a child window, 2 multiple child windows – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 100: 3 child window components, 4 drawing work space (working view) in a child, Window

80 Grafx Editor
4.2.1 Child Windows - The Model Creation Environment
Each child window in the Grafx window is a graphic drawing area, where objects are placed during config-
uration. When the Grafx window is first opened, a single child window is opened. Additional child windows
can be opened, allowing multiple models to be edited simultaneously. Objects can be copied from one
child window to another. Opening a Child Window
To open a new, empty, unnamed child window, select the option sequence File > New from the Grafx
window menu bar, or click on the corresponding icon (
) on the Main toolbar.
To open an existing model for configuration, select the File > Open sequence from the menu bar, or click
on the corresponding icon
from the Main toolbar. A selection dialog box will open. Select a model
from this dialog box to display it in a new child window. Multiple Child Windows
No restriction is placed on the number of child windows that can be opened. Each child window consumes
computer resources. To conserve resources, it is a good idea to close a model window when it is no longer
required. If the editor is typically used with a child window maximized, it is easy to forget that there may be
a number of other child windows hidden behind the active window. Child Window Components
Each child window has its own border and title bar; the title bar contains Maximize, Iconify and Close but-
tons. The child windows can be resized, moved and iconified within the lower portion of the Grafx Editor
window. The child windows cannot be moved outside of the Grafx window.
The title bar of each child window identifies the type of the item being configured (i.e., graphic or sub-
model), and the name of the item being configured. An asterisk (*) at the end of the string in the title bar
indicates that unsaved changes have been made in that child window. The title bar of the child window that
is selected or "active" differs in color from the title bars of inactive child windows.
The Window Menu button on a child window can be used to Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, Close or
move to the Next child window.
When a child window is maximized, it loses its individual border and title bar and fills the Grafx window.
The Window Menu button, Minimize, Maximize/Restore and Exit buttons for that child window are dis-
played on the menu bar of the Grafx window.
The main purpose of the child window is to create graphic displays, and the largest component of the child
window is the Working View in which the graphic will be created. Drawing Work Space (Working View) in a Child Window
The drawing space in a child window is called the Working View. It uses coordinates from (0,0) to (100,75)
by default; these coordinates can be changed via the Zoom and Pan operations (see the appropriate Sub-
sections on these features for details). Note that this is a relative coordinate system for placement of
objects in the child window, rather than a set of absolute screen coordinates. When a model is first loaded
✎ Note
You cannot open the same model in two different child windows
using File > Open; attempting to do so will cause the original child
window containing the model to the top level and become active.