6 display options, 7 description, 5 trend parameters: type – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 276

256 Trends Display Options
The DIS (display option) drop-down list box allows you to select the option which determines the form in
which the data is to be presented on the trend display. Click on the drop-down arrow button to the right of
the DIS box to view a list of choices, which include AVG (average, the default), MINimum, MAXimum, and
INSTantaneous. Click the desired choice in the drop-down list. The DIS box will reflect the selected Display
Option. Description
Click in the Description entry field to enter a text string of up to 31 characters. This string appears at the
upper left hand corner of the trend graph whenever the colored button associated with the trace is clicked.
7.3.5 Trend Parameters: Type
The Type parameter is used to select the type of trend to be configured. Available trend types are historical
and archival. The type of trend selected determines which database will be used to provide the data for the
trend. To make the selection, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the Type box to view a list of
choices (HIST, ARCH). Click the desired choice in the list. The Type box will reflect the selected database.