Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual
Page 130

110 Grafx Editor
The following example illustrates the steps required to create a submodel instance (
) and align a
specific gravity point (on the center left side of the valve body) of the submodel with the grid.
Create an instance of ISA_VLVE_ACTR (
) in a Grafx editor child window. When
created, an object may not be positioned exactly as desired. For example, if Snap Off is
selected when the object is instantiated, or if the object is scaled, it may not be aligned with the
grid; or the wrong gravity point may be aligned with the grid.
Move the valve to a different position, if necessary.
To get a closer view of the object, use the Zoom Pick feature, if necessary.
Be sure the grid is displayed; use the Grid tab on the Settings window if necessary.
Select the Snap To Grid button on the Main toolbar.
With the pointer over the object, click the right mouse button and select Move (By Grav Pnts)
from the resulting pop-up menu. This allows you to see the gravity points of the object.
Place the pointer over the gravity point on the center of the left side of the valve body, press
and hold the left mouse button while dragging the gravity point to the desired grid intersection.
This reference point change allows for lines to be easily connected to the sides of the valve body.
Figure 4-7. Model of ISA Standard Actuator Valve Symbol
Figure 4-8. Actuator Valve Symbols, Initial Location and Corrected Location