4 display vectoring, 1 fp_dyvectorpb – Micromod Micro-PWC: 53PW6000 MicroPWC Configuration Guide User Manual

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4.4.4 Display Vectoring FP_DYvectorpb

The submodel FP_DYvectorpb (

Figure 4-62

) is a pushbutton which, when clicked, causes the display in

an Operator Window to change to a new display, specified by the user via configuration. By default, this
change occurs in the window in which the VECTOR pushbutton is located; to cause the new display to
appear in a different Operator Window, use the "drag and drop" mode of operation; i.e., instead of clicking
on the VECTOR pushbutton, position the pointer on it and press the left mouse button. Continue to hold
down the mouse button and drag the pointer until it is completely inside the frame of the Operator Window
in which the new display is to be "dropped". Release the mouse button, and the new display will be
dropped into the window.

Position the pointer on the submodel and click the right mouse button, then click on the Configure Sub-
item on the resulting pop-up menu. The following Submodel Configuration window will appear.

Figure 4-62. Vector Pushbutton Submodel (FP_DYvectorpb)

Figure 4-63. Vector Pushbutton Submodel Configuration Window