RISCO Group LightSYS 2 User Manual
Page 141

Installer Programming
Page 141
Default: 1111
The Installer Code provides access to the Installer Programming menu, allowing modification
of all system parameters. The Installer Code is used by the LightSYS2 installation company
technician to program the system.
The Installer can change the Installer Code.
Sub Installer
Default: 2222
The sub‐installer code allows limited access to selected parameters from the installer
programming menu.
We recommend changing the factory default to a code unique to the main panel and/or to
those who may serve as sub‐installers in your MS, as described in the following procedure.
The Sub‐Installer is prohibited to access the following parameters:
Default Enable
Code Length
Installer Code
Communication menu.
Code Length
The Code Length specifies the number of digits (either 4 or 6) for the Grand Master and
Master codes. All the other codes (User, Arm Only and Maid) use from one digit up to a
maximum of six digits.
When you change the code length parameter, all user codes are deleted and must be re‐
programmed or downloaded.
For a 6‐digit Code Length system, 4‐digit default codes like 1‐2‐3‐4 (Grand Master), 1‐1‐1‐1
(Installer), and 2‐2‐2‐2 (Sub‐Installer) become 1‐2‐3‐4‐0‐0, 1‐1‐1‐1‐0‐0, and 2‐2‐2‐2‐0‐0,
If you change the Code Length back to 4 digits, the system codes are restored to the default 4‐
digit codes.
EN 50131 Note:
All code length are 4 digits: xxxx
For each digit 0‐9 can be used
All codes from 0001 to 9999 are acceptable
Invalid codes cannot be created since after 4 digits are input, the ʺEnterʺ is automatic.
Codes are rejected when trying to create a code that does not exist.