Grass Valley K2 Storage System Instruction Manual v.3.2 Sep.24 2007 User Manual
Page 763
September 7, 2007
K2 Storage System Instruction Manual
certification 17
grounding 13
summary 13
terms and symbols 14
SAMBA shares 689
security 688
serial cable 700
serial connection, K2 Media Server
Server Control Panel 120
service safety summary 15
K2 Media Server 710
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) 28
SNMP community name, trap, on GigE
switch 547
SNMP trap 556
software components 668
SpyWare 689
Storage Utility 661
synchronizing the media file system 718
system diagram
level 10 290
level 10R 332
level 2 storage 32
level 20 388
level 20R 434
level 2R 74
level 3 storage 130
level 30 496
level 30R 542
level 3R 178
level three redundant 244
nearline 10 604
TCP ports 689
TCP Window scaling 683
TCP/IP Offload Engines (TOE) 653
trunks 548
UDP 689
unreferenced files or movies 718
ventilation 13
virus scanning 689
VLANs 552
web site, for Thomson Grass Valley 23
Remote Desktop, using 665
Windows account 688
Windows Administrator 688
Windows Security 720