Upgrading to l30 controllers – Grass Valley K2 Storage System Instruction Manual v.3.2 Sep.24 2007 User Manual
Page 755
September 7, 2007
K2 Storage System Instruction Manual
Upgrading to L30 controllers
On a Level 3 or a Level 10/20/30 primary RAID chassis with two controllers, if the
replacement controller’s firmware is not the same as the firmware on the redundant
(currently installed) controller, the firmware on the replacement controller is
automatically upgraded or downgraded to match the current system level firmware.
NOTE: Refer to the Instruction Manual for your RAID storage chassis for
procedures on removing and replacing the RAID controller module.
To replace a controller, do the following:
1. Open the Storage Utility.
2. Expand the tree view to display the controllers.
3. Select the controller and check its status, then proceed as follows:
• If the faulty controller reports as disabled, proceed to the next step in this
• If the faulty controller reports as online, right-click the controller icon in the tree
view, and select
Advanced | Disable Controller 0
Disable Controller 1
, then click
to continue.
The RAID controller is disabled. You can check controller status in the Storage
Utility. You may need to refresh the display.
NOTE: If you accidentally disable the wrong controller, you can enable it again by
removing it and then replacing it in the chassis.
4. Remove and replace the disabled RAID controller module.
Refer to procedures in the Instruction Manual for your RAID storage chassis.
5. On inserting the replacement RAID controller, it initializes and is automatically
enabled to become the “backup” RAID controller.
Upgrading to L30 controllers
NOTE: Do not attempt this procedure without first consulting Grass Valley
You can upgrade your RAID chassis from Level 10/20 controllers (NEC D1-10) to
Level 30 controllers (NEC D3-10). If this is part of expanding the media file system,
refer to
“Expanding the media file system by capacity” on page 721
the media file system by bandwidth” on page 722
If you do not change the number of Expansion chassis or their cabling pattern, no
special preparations are required before changing the controllers.
If you add Expansion chassis, you need to decide their cabling pattern before
changing the controllers. With the Level 30 controller you have the DP1 port
available, and Expansion chassis should be balanced between DP0 and DP1. If you
can accomplish this by connecting the added Expansion chassis to DP1, no special
preparations are required before changing the controllers.