Grass Valley K2 Storage System Instruction Manual v.3.2 Sep.24 2007 User Manual
Page 757
September 7, 2007
K2 Storage System Instruction Manual
Configuring Level 3, 10, 20, 30 RAID chassis network and SNMP settings
2. Enter network settings.
3. For each SNMP manager to which you want to send SNMP trap messages, enter
the IP address of the PC hosting the manager. For monitoring with NetCentral,
enter the IP address of the NetCentral server PC.
4. Click
to save settings and close.
5. Restart the RAID chassis to put SNMP configuration changes into effect.
Configuring Level 3, 10, 20, 30 RAID chassis network and SNMP
Through Storage Utility you can configure the following settings on a RAID chassis:
• IP address
• Subnet mask
• Gateway Address
• SNMP trap destinations
For the Level 3, 10, 20, or 30 RAID chassis, network and SNMP settings are set and
stored on the RAID controller. Therefore, if the RAID chassis has two controllers,
each controller must be configured separately, as in the following procedure.
1. In the K2 System Configuration application tree view, open the node for a K2
Media Server and select the
File System Server
node to open its property page. On