2 prefixing operations -29, 3 reading and writing registers -30 – Maxim Integrated MAXQ7666 User Manual
Page 32

Generally, prefixing operations can be inserted automatically by the assembler as needed, so that (for example)
move DP[0], #1234h
actually assembles as
move PFX[0], #12h
move DP[0], #34h
However, the operation
move DP[0], #0055h
does not require a prefixing operation even though the register DP[0] is 16-bit. This is because the prefix value defaults to zero, so the line
move PFX[0], #00h
is not required.
1.3.3 Reading and Writing Registers
All functions in the MAXQ7665/MAXQ7666 are accessed through registers, either directly or indirectly. This section discusses loading
registers with immediate values and transferring values between registers of the same size and different sizes. Loading an 8-Bit Register with an Immediate Value
Any writeable 8-bit register with a subindex from 0h to 7h within its module can be loaded with an immediate value in a single cycle
using the MOVE instruction.
move AP, #05h
; load accumulator pointer register with 5 hex
Writeable 8-bit registers with subindexes 8h and higher can be loaded with an immediate value using MOVE as well, but an addition-
al cycle is required to set the prefix value for the destination.
move WDCN, #33h
; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
; move (WDCN-80h), #33h Loading a 16-Bit Register with a 16-Bit Immediate Value
Any writeable 16-bit register with a subindex from 0h to 07h can be loaded with an immediate value in a single cycle if the high byte
of that immediate value is zero.
move LC[0], #0010h
; prefix defaults to zero for high byte
If the high byte of that immediate value is not zero or if the 16-bit destination subindex is greater than 7h, an extra cycle is required to
load the prefix value for the high byte and/or the high-order register index bits.
; high byte <> #00h
move LC[0], #0110h
; assembles to: move PFX[0], #01h
; move LC[0], #10h
; destination sub-index > 7h
move A[8], #0034h
; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
; move (A[8]-80h), #34h Moving Values Between Registers of the Same Size
Moving data between same-size registers can be done in a single-cycle MOVE if the destination register’s index is from 0h to 7h and
the source register index is between 0h and Fh.
move A[0], A[8]
; copy accumulator 8 to accumulator 0
move LC[0], LC[1]
; copy loop counter 1 to loop counter 0
If the destination register’s index is greater than 7h or if the source register index is greater than Fh, prefixing is required.
move A[15], A[0]
; assembles to: move PFX[2], #00h
; move (A[15]-80h), A[0] Moving Values Between Registers of Different Sizes
Before covering some transfer scenarios that might arise, a special register must be introduced that will be used in many of these
cases. The 16-bit General Register (GR) is expressly provided for performing byte singulation of 16-bit words. The high and low bytes
of GR are individually accessible in the GRH and GRL registers respectively. A read-only GRS register makes a byte-swapped version
of GR accessible and the GRXL register provides a sign-extended version of GRL.
MAXQ7665/MAXQ7666 User’s Guide
Maxim Integrated